This is a followup to my previous question.

Suppose I have a task, which executes an interruptible blocking call. I would like to run it as a Future and cancel it with failure method of Promise.

I would like the cancel to work as follows:

  • If one cancels the task before it finished I would like the task to finish "immediately", interrupting the blocking call if it has already started and I would like the Future to invoke onFailure.

  • If one cancels the task after the task finished I would like to get a status saying that the cancel failed since the task already finished.

Does it make sense? Is it possible to implement in Scala? Are there any examples of such implementations?

4 Answers 4


scala.concurrent.Future is read-only, so one reader cannot mess things up for the other readers.

It seems like you should be able to implement what you want as follows:

def cancellableFuture[T](fun: Future[T] => T)(implicit ex: ExecutionContext): (Future[T], () => Boolean) = {
  val p = Promise[T]()
  val f = p.future
  p tryCompleteWith Future(fun(f))
  (f, () => p.tryFailure(new CancellationException))

val (f, cancel) = cancellableFuture( future => {
  while(!future.isCompleted) continueCalculation // isCompleted acts as our interrupted-flag

  result  // when we're done, return some result

val wasCancelled = cancel() // cancels the Future (sets its result to be a CancellationException conditionally)
  • Thanks. Suppose I execute some interruptible blocking call instead of calculation. How can I modify the code above to interrupt the thread?
    – Michael
    Apr 16, 2013 at 6:12
  • 2
    You'd have to add a synchronized var that sets the current thread under a lock when the computation starts, and then takes the lock at the end and clears the var. And the cancel would take the lock and call interrupt on the set Thread, if any, or bail out if null. Apr 16, 2013 at 18:01
  • should it be while(!future.isCompleted && moreWork) continueCalculation? Apr 17, 2013 at 1:54
  • 1
    sourcedelica: An AtomicBoolean is mutable so that might not be the best choice, the reason for the Future is that it's already allocated and doesn't interfere in any way. Apr 17, 2013 at 18:49
  • 1
    @FranciscoLópez-Sancho In the code, the Future returned will contain the result of the computation, or a CancellationException. Apr 26, 2020 at 20:37

Here is the interruptable version of Victor's code per his comments (Victor, please correct me if I misinterpreted).

object CancellableFuture extends App {

  def interruptableFuture[T](fun: () => T)(implicit ex: ExecutionContext): (Future[T], () => Boolean) = {
    val p = Promise[T]()
    val f = p.future
    val aref = new AtomicReference[Thread](null)
    p tryCompleteWith Future {
      val thread = Thread.currentThread
      aref.synchronized { aref.set(thread) }
      try fun() finally {
        val wasInterrupted = (aref.synchronized { aref getAndSet null }) ne thread
        //Deal with interrupted flag of this thread in desired

    (f, () => {
      aref.synchronized { Option(aref getAndSet null) foreach { _.interrupt() } }
      p.tryFailure(new CancellationException)

  val (f, cancel) = interruptableFuture[Int] { () =>
    val latch = new CountDownLatch(1)

    latch.await(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)    // Blocks for 5 sec, is interruptable
    println("latch timed out")

    42  // Completed

  f.onFailure { case ex => println(ex.getClass) }
  f.onSuccess { case i => println(i) }

  Thread.sleep(6000)   // Set to less than 5000 to cancel

  val wasCancelled = cancel()

  println("wasCancelled: " + wasCancelled)

With Thread.sleep(6000) the output is:

latch timed out
wasCancelled: false

With Thread.sleep(1000) the output is:

wasCancelled: true
class java.util.concurrent.CancellationException
  • Thanks. That's definitely cleaner. Apr 18, 2013 at 14:22
  • Updated per Victor's gist. Apr 18, 2013 at 14:27
  • 1
    Why isn't the answer by @ViktorKlang updated to reflect his own comments and the gist?! It appears two answers compete with each other while there's a single author :( Dec 30, 2013 at 21:20
  • 1
    They are two different variations, they don't compete with each other. Viktor's uses a cancel() method to cancel the operation and mine uses Thread.interrupt. Dec 30, 2013 at 21:25

Twitter's futures implement cancellation. Have a look here:


Line 563 shows the abstract method responsible for this. Scala's futures currently do not support cancellation.


You can use Monix library instead of Future


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