I have the following code:

my $sDatabase = "abc_def:xyz_comp.";
if ($sDatabase =~ m/^(\w)*\:(\w*)\_em\.$/)
    print "$1\:$2\.\n";
    print "$1\:$2\_em\.\n";

but I am getting empty $1 and $2. The output is:

Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at new_mscn_iden_parse.pl line 187.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at new_mscn_iden_parse.pl line 187.

3 Answers 3


This code will do what you want

my $sDatabase = "abc_def:xyz_comp.";

$sDatabase =~ m/^(\w+):(\w+?)(_em)?\.$/ or die "Invalid data";
if ($3) {
  print "$1:$2.\n";
else {
  print "$1:$2_em.\n";
  • if $sDatabase = "abc_def:xyz_comp_em." then i want $sDatabase = "abc_def:xyz_comp." Please help.
    – MI.Sarwar
    Apr 29, 2013 at 19:32
  • How about just unconditionally print "$1:$2$3.\n" after surviving the m//?
    – pilcrow
    Apr 29, 2013 at 20:44
  • Is (\w+?) a valid regular expression? I think you wanted (\w+)?.
    – David W.
    Apr 29, 2013 at 21:14
  • @David W., no, what he wrote is correct. (That said, I despise the non-greediness modifier, though. Very fragile. You can't use it twice in the same pattern.)
    – ikegami
    Apr 29, 2013 at 22:34

What do you expect $1 and $2 to contain when you fail to match?!

It contains whatever it contains before you attempted the match.

Possible solution:

$sDatabase =~ s/(?<!_em)(?=\.\z)/_em/;
  • $1 should have abc_def $2 should have xyz_comp
    – MI.Sarwar
    Apr 29, 2013 at 19:12
  • How is that possible? The pattern didn't match.
    – ikegami
    Apr 29, 2013 at 19:13
  • But still i want a result in else condition then. Sorry if i am not making sense. How is that possible?
    – MI.Sarwar
    Apr 29, 2013 at 19:16
  • You're not listening. It's not possible. The match in if (/.../) { ... } else { ... } will not set $1 when execution goes to the else branch, because you never told it what to place in $1. You can't use that pattern.
    – ikegami
    Apr 29, 2013 at 19:21
  • ok thanks. So how to assign "abc_def:xyz_comp." to variable if $sDatabase has value "abc_def:xyz_comp_em." and assign "abc_def:xyz_comp_em." if $sDatabase is equal to "abc_def:xyz_comp."
    – MI.Sarwar
    Apr 29, 2013 at 19:25

You have:

my $sDatabase = "abc_def:xyz_comp.";
if ($sDatabase =~ m/^(\w)*\:(\w*)\_em\.$/);

Let's see if this matches:

You're regular expression says:

  • Anchor at the start of a line.
  • You are looking for zero or more word characters . Word characters (in the ASCII alphabet) includes lowercase letters, uppercase letters numbers and underscores.
    • Thus /\w*/ will match all the following:
    • Computer
    • computer
    • computer23
    • computer_32
    • an empty string
  • You're next looking for a colon
  • Then, more word characters
  • Followed by a _em string
  • Followed by a period
  • And that should be the end of the string (if there's no NL and you're not doing multi-line string searches. Looks like you're safe there).

Now, let's look at your string: abc_def:xyz_comp.

  • \w* will match up to abc_def. Regular expressions are greedy and will try to match the biggest portion of the string as possible.
  • The : will match the colon. So far, you're matching abc_def:.
  • That \w* will match on xyz_comp.
  • Now, you're trying to match a _em. Oops! No good. There is no _em in your string. Your regular expression match will fail.

Since your regular expression match fails, the $1 and $2 variables simply are not set and have no value.

That's why you're getting Use of uninitialized value. What you can do is make the later half of your expression optional:

my $sDatabase = "abc_def:xyz_comp.";
if ($sDatabase =~ /^(\w)+:(\w*)(_em)?\.$/) {
    if ( $3 ) {
        print "$1:${2}${3}.\n";
    else {
        print "$1:${2}_em.";
else {
   die qq(String doesn't match regular expression at all\n);


First of all, I think you want to match at least one character (I could be wrong), so I switched the asterisk which matches zero or more to a + which matches one or more.

Note I have a third set of parentheses followed by a ?. This means match this zero or one times. Thus, you will have a match, and $1 and $2 will be set as long as your string starts with one or more word characters, followed by a colon, followed by one or more word characters.

What won't necessarily happen is that $3 will be set. This will only be set if your string also ends with _em.. If your string doesn't include the _em, but ends with a period, $1 and $2 will still match.

In your case, we could simplify it by doing this:

my $sDatabase = "abc_def:xyz_comp.";
if ($sDatabase =~ /^(\w)+:(\w*)(?:_em)?\.$/) {
    print "$1:${2}_em.";
else {
   die qq(String doesn't match regular expression at all\n);

The (?:...) means don't set a match, just group. Thus, $3 will never be set. That's okay, either $3 is _em. or we add _em. to the end of the match anyway.

  • (?:_em)? will always match the empty string. You'll end up doubling _em if it's present.
    – ikegami
    Apr 29, 2013 at 22:31

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