My application is asp.net MVC using Linq-to-Sql. I am trying to use the following to filter a view.

I have already added the filter to my SQL Server view using:

WHERE (dbo.Client.Recstatus IS NULL) OR (dbo.Client.Recstatus = 0)

It works well when I run it in SQL Server Management Studio, however I still see the entries in my application.

I tried to filter it again in my repository using:

List<vw_Client_info> searchResult = new List<vw_Client_info>().Where(c=> c.Recstatus != 1);

Recstatus is smallint

I get the following error:

Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)

I would appreciate your assistance, thanks in advance.

4 Answers 4


Seems you forget to use the ToList() method at the end. Try this:

List<vw_Client_info> searchResult = 
    new List<vw_Client_info>().Where(c=> c.Recstatus != 1).ToList();
  • Thank you so much Hossein, I don't get the error. Any idea why if I have filtered my view in Sql, the data still show! Thanks again.
    – hncl
    May 4, 2013 at 6:59
  • @user373721 not sure if I understood your comment. May 4, 2013 at 7:17
  • I am trying to figure out, if I have the filters in the sql view, and when I run it; it removes all entries that are equl to 1. However in my table in MVC, these enteries that are equal to 1 still showing. Thanks
    – hncl
    May 4, 2013 at 7:38

two problems

  1. new List<vw_Client_info>() is new list there is no data
  2. you have to call .ToList() at the end of the statement

You can try something like below

using (YourDatacontext context= new YourDatacontext(connStr))
    List<vw_Client_info> searchResult = 
          context.vw_Client_infos.Where(c=> c.Recstatus != 1).ToList();
  • Thank you all for your kind and quick support
    – hncl
    May 4, 2013 at 7:16

This is because you are returning an anonymous type from your Select and you are trying to store it in the List<vw_Client_info>. The projections always create anonymous types. so that u shd store in IEnumerable or use ToList() at tail.


Enumerable methods inlcuding Where do not return a List but rather they return a IEnumerable

so you could modify your code to

IEnumerable<vw_Client_info> searchResult = 
          new List<vw_Client_info>().Where(c=> c.Recstatus != 1);


var searchResult = 
         new List<vw_Client_info>().Where(c=> c.Recstatus != 1);

which is same as above(compiler derives the type for you)


List<vw_Client_info> searchResult = 
         new List<vw_Client_info>().Where(c=> c.Recstatus != 1).ToList();

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