I'm very new to Python and trying to figure out how to subtract numbers that are in arrays that were user inputted. For example, earlier in my program I have: `

peakone = raw_input("Where is the next large peak?: ")
peaktwo = raw_input("Where is the next large peak?: ")

Now I want to subtract peakone from peaktwo and save this value as a third. What is the best way to do this, if there is one?

  • Are the numbers integers ?
    – Ofiris
    May 7, 2013 at 16:13

2 Answers 2


You can do it like this:

peakthree = float(peaktwo) - float(peakone)

What you get from raw_input is a string, so you need to convert it to a numeric type, like float or int. Consider writing your code like this:

def get_next_peak():
    return float(raw_input("Where is the next large peak?: "))

next_peak = []
next_peak.append(next_peak[1] - next_peak[0])

Set next_peak as a list

Cast the input toint or float

next_peak = []
peakone = raw_input("Where is the next large peak?: ")
peaktwo = raw_input("Where is the next large peak?: ")
print next_peak[0] - next_peak[1] 

Can change int to float if needed

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