These params come out of html inputs in erb templates (this code is in the main application.rb), and I am checking if they are filled before I add them to n.requestusers, which will become part of a database entry. It works, but it feels more like a bash script the way it is now. What would be the best way to write something like this?

a route in the main .rb

if params[:user2].empty? && params[:user3].empty? && params[:user4].empty? && params[:user5].empty?
  n.requestusers = params[:user1]
elsif params[:user3].empty? && params[:user4].empty? && params[:user5].empty?
  n.requestusers = params[:user1], params[:user2]
elsif params[:user4].empty? && params[:user5].empty?
  n.requestusers = params[:user1], params[:user2], params[:user3]
elsif params[:user5].empty?
  n.requestusers = params[:user1], params[:user2], params[:user3], params[:user4]
  n.requestusers = params[:user1], params[:user2], params[:user3], params[:user4], params[:user5]
  • Would you like to share your view? There might be a better way to do this than by sending a bunch of params[:userX]. Maybe a params[:users] ? May 7, 2013 at 21:44

3 Answers 3


Instead of having all of those conditional statements might you be interested in something like:

n.requestusers = params.select { |key, val| not val.empty? }.values

Or a cleaner way as suggested by @theTinMan:

n.requestusers = params.reject { |key, val| val.empty? }.values

select lets you take all of the none empty parameter values and returns them. values lets you grab those values as an array.

I am not experienced with web frameworks, so my suggestion is a bit of a shot in the dark.

  • 1
    +1 Two things to make it more Ruby-like. In general, instead of not, use !. For this code, instead of select, use reject { |k, v| v.empty? } because not or ! makes us flip the logic in our heads. Switching to reject relies on the the success of the empty? test. May 7, 2013 at 23:20
  • @theTinMan I agree with you. I completely overlooked reject. That is much more intuitive.
    – squiguy
    May 7, 2013 at 23:26
  • 2
    I notice those things because I don't like my head hurting. :-) May 7, 2013 at 23:27
  • Yes! This is just the kind of thing I was looking for! :) Thanks!
    – jerius
    May 8, 2013 at 14:26

This isn't tested, because there are no sample values to test against, but, after some refactoring I have:

if [:user2, :user3, :user4, :user5].all?{ |s| params[s].empty? }
  n.requestusers = params[:user1]
elsif [:user3, :user4, :user5].all? { |s| params[s].empty? }
  n.requestusers = [:user1, :user2].map{ |s| params[s] }
elsif [:user4, :user5].all? { |s| params[s].empty? }
  n.requestusers = [:user1, :user2, :user3].map{ |s| params[s] }
elsif params[:user5].empty?
  n.requestusers = [:user1, :user2, :user3, :user4].map{ |s| params[s] }
  n.requestusers = [:user1, :user2, :user3, :user4, :user5].map{ |s| params[s] }

Looking at that further, this seems sensible:

USER_LIST = [:user1, :user2, :user3, :user4, :user5]
USER_LIST.size.times do |i|
  user_list = USER_LIST
  get_users = user_list.shift(1 + i)
  if user_list.all?{ |s| params[s].empty? }
    n.requestusers = params.values_at(get_users)

Like I said, that's not tested, but I'd work with something along those lines.

Adjust USER_LIST as necessary.


I am not that familiar with Sinatra, but if you wanted to add elements to the array, you can just do (assuming n.requestusers has already been initialized):

n.requestusers << params[:user1] unless params[:user1].empty?

You can do that for each user parameter.

Edit: It would probably be better just to check if the param exists since if it isn't found, nil is returned -- calling empty? on nil throws a NoMethodError. It would probably better to do:

n.requestusers << params[:user1] unless params[:user1]

This would ensure that it adds the param if it exists.

  • In case you do not know, unless translates to if not.
    – TheDude
    May 7, 2013 at 21:36

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