In Rust, references can never be null, so in case where you actually need null, such as a linked list, you use the Option type:

struct Element {
    value: i32,
    next: Option<Box<Element>>,

How much overhead is involved in this in terms of memory allocation and steps to dereference compared to a simple pointer? Is there some "magic" in the compiler/runtime to make Option cost-free, or less costly than if one were to implement Option by oneself in a non-core library using the same enum construct, or by wrapping the pointer in a vector?

1 Answer 1


Yes, there is some compiler magic that optimises Option<ptr> to a single pointer (most of the time).

use std::mem::size_of;

macro_rules! show_size {
    (header) => (
        println!("{:<22} {:>4}    {}", "Type", "T", "Option<T>");
    ($t:ty) => (
        println!("{:<22} {:4} {:4}", stringify!($t), size_of::<$t>(), size_of::<Option<$t>>())

fn main() {
    show_size!(Result<(), Box<i32>>);

The following sizes are printed (on a 64-bit machine, so pointers are 8 bytes):

// As of Rust 1.22.1
Type                      T    Option<T>
i32                       4    8
&i32                      8    8
Box<i32>                  8    8
&[i32]                   16   16
Vec<i32>                 24   24
Result<(), Box<i32>>      8   16

Note that &i32, Box, &[i32], Vec<i32> all use the non-nullable pointer optimization inside an Option!

  • 53
    Furthermore, this optimization occurs in all "Option-like" enums, so it will also work for a user-defined Option. May 13, 2013 at 20:04
  • 6
    Also note that this optimization can not be stacked. This can be seen in the last line in the example. As you specify the type for Ok as (), that specific result type becomes an "option like enum" and can therefore not be optimized at the option level. But if you try with Result<i32, i32> you can see that the optimization is applied again.
    – Pajn
    Sep 18, 2019 at 19:32
  • 11
    @Pajn It looks like, at least as of March 2020, this type of optimization can be stacked as long as there are enough otherwise invalid binary representations. Of course, non-nullable pointers typically only have one invalid binary representation.
    – Vaelus
    Mar 27, 2020 at 13:23

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