I want to build an application which will have an input field where a user can type in a very small fragment of Python code.

Rather than use a dumb text-input field I'd like to use something that is aware of the Syntax of Python - possibly even supporting highlighting or indenting. Is there any way to get this kind of widget into my application?

I'm using Glade with Python 2.7 on Ubuntu.

  • 1
    I think you can use pygments for that ... May 17, 2013 at 20:38

1 Answer 1


Just try GtkSourceView. It is much like GtkTextView, with syntax highlight and code indentation. Both Gedit and Anjuta use it to edit code.

First you need to install libgtksourceview-3.0-dev so that you can use that widget(GtkSourceView) in Glade.

Then in your python script, import GtkSource:

from gi.repository import GtkSource

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