I am looking to merge dictionaries in Python with dictionaries that have a common value then key. Currently, I have a nasty loop inside of a loop inside of a loop. There has to be a better way...

What I have is one dictionary with a single digit key and a list of numbers for that value, then a second dictionary with a key that corresponds with one of the numbers in the value list and a float associated with that number. They are formatted like this (although much larger):

dict1 = {0:[3, 5, 2, 7], 1:[1, 4, 0, 6]}
dict2 = {0:0.34123, 1:0.45623, 2:0.76839, 3:0.32221, 4:0.871265, 5:0.99435, 6:0.28665, 7:0.01546}

And I would like to merge them so they look like this:

dict3 = {0:[0.32221, 0.99435, 0.76839, 0.01546], 1:[0.45623, 0.871265, 0.034123, 0.28665]}

Is there a simpler way to do this than several nested for loops? Any help would be massively appreciated!

  • 4
    Merge them in what way? I really don't see some any obvious correlation between the numbers
    – Voo
    May 29, 2013 at 21:14

3 Answers 3


You can do this using a nested list comprehension inside a dict comprehension:

dict3 = {k: [dict2[i] for i in v] for k, v in dict1.items()}

This will basically iterate through all k/v-combinations within the first dictionary. The k is kept as the key for the resulting dictionary, and the v is a list of all indices in dict2 which values should be used. So we iterate through the elements in v and collect all items from dict2 we want to take, combine those in a list (using the list comprehension) and use that result as the value of the result dictionary.

>>> dict1 = {0:[3, 5, 2, 7], 1:[1, 4, 0, 6]}
>>> dict2 = {0:0.34123, 1:0.45623, 2:0.76839, 3:0.32221, 4:0.871265, 5:0.99435, 6:0.28665, 7:0.01546}
>>> {k:[dict2[m] for m in v] for k, v in dict1.items()}
{0: [0.32221, 0.99435, 0.76839, 0.01546], 1: [0.45623, 0.871265, 0.34123, 0.28665]}
  • You converged on the same answer as @poke above. Thank you!
    – Micrasema
    May 29, 2013 at 21:25

And yet another dictionary comprehension, but with map...

dict3={k: map(lambda x: dict2[x],dict1[k]) for k in dict1.iterkeys()}

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