I have a simple question. I would like to assign a command to a variable and execute it with extra parameters, like:

C:\test.exe /q /v

But when I do:

$path /q /v

It doesn't work.. Any idea?

  • Can you say what the error is and how do expect it to work?
    – Stoleg
    Jun 5, 2013 at 12:52
  • It's a syntax error, or my command is launched without parameters, so when I run $path /q /v, PS runs $path instead.
    – Sam
    Jun 5, 2013 at 13:01

2 Answers 2


The most canonical way to do this is to use the call operator on the variable that contains the "name" of the command e.g.:

& $path /q /v

This is actually required when the path to the command (ie native exe) contains spaces.

  • This is the best way, IMHO.
    – nabrond
    Jun 6, 2013 at 4:41

Command as string:

With Invoke-Expression cmdlet you execute an arbitrary string as a piece of code. It takes the string, compiles it, and executes it.

So you do:

Invoke-Expression "$path /q /v";

As a side note: When you do $path=C:\test.exe without the quotes, you are actually assigning the STDOUT of test.exe to the variable $path. You have to make clear to PowerShell that it is actually a string you wish to execute later.

Command as script object:

If you are concerned with performance, you could also try converting your command to a compiled scriptblock, and execute it with the & call operator.

$cmd = [scriptblock]::Create("$path /q /v");
& $cmd;

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