I make table:

date    date,
time    time,
val3    float,
val4    float);

And trying to load csv to it with next command:

copy data from 'G:\test\1.txt' DELIMETERS ' ' CSV;

the CSV have same structure:

date time val3 val4 
2012.08.10 06:53:18 695.417 773.29

But I am getting next error:

ERROR: invalid input syntax for type date: "date"

Could you help me to find the reason of error?

2 Answers 2


I'm not very used to postgres, but I think you should set your datestyle before importing your file :

set datestyle German, YMD;

Look at these links : How do I alter the date format in Postgres? and DateTime Output

Sorry if I'm wrong, but I think you have to correctly set your datestyle (you can also do in the postgres.cnf file).

  • 1
    It is better to use links to current version of postgres manual. /docs/current/static instead of /docs/8.2/static. Jul 22, 2013 at 12:40
  • I had tried this command several times. It does not work with quote symbol. Plz look at my log postimg.org/image/51n25xr0z Jul 22, 2013 at 12:51

Do you have a header line in your CSV? If so, try

copy data from 'G:\test\1.txt' DELIMETERS ' ' CSV HEADER;

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