I have a list view control which at the moment only allows one item to be selected. I then read this via the following code:

void CApp::OnNMClickList1(NMHDR *pNMHDR, LRESULT *pResult) { int nSelected = (m_List.GetSelectionMark()); ...

However, now I want to make this list able to multiselect, GetSelectionMark() always returns one index. Can anyone help me recode this to return a list of selected indexes?

1 Answer 1


Use GetFirstSelectedItemPosition() to find first selected item, then GetNextSelectedItem() for the rest and you're done. :)

  • Just saw those on the MSDN, if anyone is interested, I will post the full bit of code.
    – Konrad
    Oct 7, 2008 at 13:59
  • is there any way to find the really first selected position in the order it was slected..? like click and drag from 'fifth to first item' in the list, how can I get 5 as the first selected item. (as it was selected first) Nov 21, 2013 at 14:28

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