
I am trying to write a program where there will be two functions with large blocks of code. Each of the functions will be calling a few smaller functions. Now, in the main program body, I need to call the two larger functions. I am using arrays in the program.

I have done a sample but I am getting errors. Kindly please rectify my code. I am quite a newbie in this field. So please help.

# include <stdio.h>

unsigned char a[4] = {5, 3, 6, 2};
unsigned char b[4] = {3, 5, 2, 5};
unsigned char c[4] = {4, 2, 5, 7};
unsigned char x[4];
unsigned char y[4];

void add(unsigned char* num1, unsigned char* num2, unsigned char* num3)
  int k;
  for (k=0; k<3; k++)
   num3[k] = num1[k] + num2[k]);

void mul(unsigned char* num1, unsigned char* num2, unsigned char* num3)
  int k;
  for (k=0; k<3; k++)
    num3[k] = num1[k] * num2[k]);

void test1(unsigned char* num1, unsigned char* num2, unsigned char* num3)
  add(num1, num2, num3);
  mul(num1, num2, num3);

void test2(unsigned char* num1, unsigned char* num2)
  add(num1, num2, num1);

void main() 
  int i,j ;


  for (i=0; i<4; i++)
    printf("%d ",(x[i]);
  printf(" ");

  for (i=0; i<4; i++)
    printf("%d ", y[i]);
  • What output do you expect?
    – mohit
    Aug 3, 2013 at 6:39
  • 2
    Welcome to Stack Overflow. Please read the About page soon. Please learn about creating an SSCCE (Short, Self-Contained, Correct Example). Please post compiling code: in function add(), you have num3[k] = num1[k] + num2[k]); and don't need the close parenthesis. This occurs several times — you should be able to fix that without needing to ask on SO. You have a stray open parenthesis at printf("%d ",(x[i]); before the x. Aug 3, 2013 at 6:40
  • There are extra )s on lines 14, 23, and 49. And don't use void main(), always use int main()
    – Yu Hao
    Aug 3, 2013 at 6:40
  • You have an off-by-one error in your add and mul functions. In both cases, the loop should go until k < 4. Aug 3, 2013 at 6:40
  • All comments and fixes consolidated under one community-wiki answer Aug 3, 2013 at 6:58

5 Answers 5


There were several compilation and logical errors :

  • Compilation errors :
    • Missing closing brace }
    • Missing closing bracket )
    • Extra closing bracket )
  • Logical errors :
    • Invalid array bounds check

Proper indentation goes a long way in easily identifying such issues with mis-matched brackets and braces to fix otherwise seemingly cryptic errors like "expected ; before ...".

Here is your corrected code with inline comments describing the errors and fix.

# include <stdio.h>

unsigned char a[4] = {5, 3, 6, 2}; 
unsigned char b[4] = {3, 5, 2, 5}; 
unsigned char c[4] = {4, 2, 5, 7}; 
unsigned char x[4];
unsigned char y[4];

void add(unsigned char* num1, unsigned char* num2, unsigned char* num3)
        int k;
        for (k=0; k<4; k++) {
                /* removed extra closing bracket */
                num3[k] = num1[k] + num2[k];

void mul(unsigned char* num1, unsigned char* num2, unsigned char* num3)
        int k;
        /* fixed value of array bounds check */
        for (k=0; k<4; k++) {
                num3[k] = num1[k] * num2[k];

void test1(unsigned char* num1, unsigned char* num2, unsigned char* num3)
        add(num1, num2, num3);
        mul(num1, num2, num3);

void test2(unsigned char* num1, unsigned char* num2)
        add(num1, num2, num1);

int main() 
        int i,j ;


        for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
                /* added missing closing bracket */
                printf("%d ",(x[i]));
        /* added missing closing brace */

        printf(" ");

        for (i=0; i<4; i++) {
                printf("%d ", y[i]);
  • 2
    The return type of main() should be int, even on Windows. Aug 3, 2013 at 6:40
  • @JonathanLeffler done. Feel free to make additional changes as deemed fit. Aug 3, 2013 at 6:42
  • @SohiniBasu Because it's against the standard.
    – Yu Hao
    Aug 3, 2013 at 8:14

It appears that x and y are uninitialized so passing y into test2 results in garbage values being passed into the second parameter of add.


Your array is 4 items, but you are using index <3

for (k=0; k<3; k++)

should be

for (k=0; k<4; k++)

And here you have an extra )

num3[k] = num1[k] + num2[k]);
num3[k] = num1[k] * num2[k]);

There is a parenthesis where there shouldn't be after num2[k], and change the loop they are in from < 3 to <=3. You missed a ( in printf( "%d ", (x[i]) )


num3[k] = (num1[k] + num2[k]); //fix bracket

printf("%d ",x[i]); //fix bracket

  • } is a closing brace. ) is simply a closing bracket Aug 3, 2013 at 6:50

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