I have a sqlite database in my project and I have 3 year,month and day fields. I want to get last week or last month information from my table and show it in a listView using cursor adapter. I don't know how to do that. my table is not very big also my records are sorted by date so iteration can be an answer. please help me in any way.

2 Answers 2

SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE DATE(timeStamp) >= DATE('now', 'weekday 0', '-7 days');
  • please explain more about this syntax. I want to use my fields to retrieve date. see my edit Aug 6, 2013 at 12:32

if the table is like this

CREATE TABLE t(some_data, year, month, day);

INSERT INTO t(some_data, year, month, day)
                    SELECT ABS(RANDOM()%10000), 2013,  8,  6 UNION ALL
                    SELECT ABS(RANDOM()%10000), 2013,  8,  4 UNION ALL
                    SELECT ABS(RANDOM()%10000), 2013,  8, 01 UNION ALL
                    SELECT ABS(RANDOM()%10000), 2013, 07, 31 UNION ALL
                    SELECT ABS(RANDOM()%10000), 2013,  7, 30 UNION ALL
                    SELECT ABS(RANDOM()%10000), 2013,  7, 25 UNION ALL
                    SELECT ABS(RANDOM()%10000), 2013, 07, 24 UNION ALL
                    SELECT ABS(RANDOM()%10000), 2013,  7, 23 UNION ALL
                    SELECT ABS(RANDOM()%10000), 2013,  7, 20 UNION ALL
                    SELECT ABS(RANDOM()%10000), 2013,  7, 10 UNION ALL
                    SELECT ABS(RANDOM()%10000), 2013,  7,  9

this is a possible solution

SELECT some_data, year
    || '-' ||
    CASE WHEN LENGTH(month) = 2 THEN month
         WHEN LENGTH(month) = 1 THEN 0 || month
    || '-' ||
    CASE WHEN LENGTH(day) = 2 THEN day
         WHEN LENGTH(day) = 1 THEN 0 || day
    END as d
WHERE DATE(d) >= DATE('now', '-7 days')

some_data   d         
----------  ----------
7455        2013-07-30
6123        2013-07-31
6903        2013-08-01
9332        2013-08-04
1895        2013-08-06

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