
I have a sidebar that slides out when you click the button on the left, the problem however, is that on iOS I get horizontal scroll bars on the page when I click it. Which I don't when I click it on a desktop browser, because it adds a class with overflow:hidden to the body class.

In theory this should prevent the same unwanted horizontal scrolling on the iPhone too, but it doesn't for reasons i cannot work out.

I could apply overflow-x:hidden to the html element, but that seems to jump the page to the top regardless of where you are, which is unwanted behaviour.

  • Hit the same quirk. Did you find a solution for this? Mar 22, 2013 at 0:00
  • I'm afraid not, no. If you're making a similar type of menu for mobile I'd recommend just having it position:fixed and have it slide over over the content. Hell, even facebook can't figure this quirk out, their mobile side has horizontal scrollbars when the menu is open.
    – andy
    Mar 22, 2013 at 10:18
  • Thanks, andy. Appreciate the reply. Mar 22, 2013 at 17:20
  • 1
    Do you have link for that page? Also Check Jquery Mobile slide to Menu. trying setting height and width to 100% (body and html) if you have scrolling content use -webkit-overflow-scrolling :touch are you using webkit transition to slide ? Aug 13, 2013 at 21:40

2 Answers 2


You need to apply overflow:hidden; and position:relative; to both and and they also can't be display:table, display:block works. Specifying the height and width may help as well.

  • It's a bit unclear where to add the position: relative/absolute. But after I added it, the flex-container was displayed properly and the overflow was working as expected. Would you please add an example? Mar 13 at 14:57

I don't know a solution that will enable you to use overflow: hidden; based on the information you are giving. I can however advise you to use iScroll for mobile scrolling!

Take a look at it on cubiq's website

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