Is there anyway to make it so that the following code still uses a switch and returns b not a? Thanks!

$var = 0;
switch($var) {
    case NULL : return 'a'; break;
    default : return 'b'; break;

Using if statements, of course, you'd do it like this:

$var = 0;
if($var === NULL) return 'a';
else return 'b';

But for more complex examples, this becomes verbose.


16 Answers 16


Sorry, you cannot use a === comparison in a switch statement, since according to the switch() documentation:

Note that switch/case does loose comparison.

This means you'll have to come up with a workaround. From the loose comparisons table, you could make use of the fact that NULL == "0" is false by type casting:

$var = 0;
    case "" : echo 'a'; break; // This tests for NULL or empty string   
    default : echo 'b'; break; // Everything else, including zero
// Output: 'b'

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  • 2
    Well, there are other circumstances (not just with NULLs) that I'd like this to work with. Aug 19, 2010 at 19:49

Here is your original code in a "strict" switch statement:

switch(true) {
    case $var === null:
        return 'a';
        return 'b';

This can also handle more complex switch statement like this:

switch(true) {
    case $var === null:
        return 'a';
    case $var === 4:
    case $var === 'foobar':
        return 'b';
        return 'c';

Yes, on PHP 8+ you can do it with match expression1:

echo match (0) {
    NULL=> 'a',
    default => 'b'
#~ b

The PHP documentation explicitly mentions this difference in comparison to switch statement2:

Unlike switch, the comparison is an identity check (===) rather than a weak equality check (==). Match expressions are available as of PHP 8.0.0. (from)

1 See match (PHP 8)

2 See switch (PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7, PHP 8)

  • 1
    Neat suggestion! This is a tough problem to crack; I guess the only drawback with match() is that the value must be an expression, i.e. 1=>'a'; or 1=>func();; but I can't do 1=>print("hello");print("world");, which a switch() would allow. Nov 10, 2021 at 15:51

Not with switch - it only does so called "loose" comparisons. You can always replace it with a if/else if block, using ===.

  • are you referring to your experience or documentation? If the later, please post a link
    – Tomas
    Jan 26, 2012 at 12:15
  • 1
    You actually can do this with switch (see my answer) although I do think that if-else is better for this particular job.
    – DaveRandom
    Jan 26, 2012 at 12:21
  • A lot of good answers, sorry I can only pick 1. I went with if/elseif thanks everyone.
    – yar matie
    Jan 26, 2012 at 12:27
  • Actually not "always" :) What if not all case blocks have break or return?
    – Storm
    Aug 20, 2019 at 11:11

I had the same problem in a switch with string containing numbers ("15.2" is equal to "15.20" in a switch for php)

I solved the problem adding a letter before the text to compare

$var = '15.20';
switch ('#'.$var) {
    case '#15.2' :
      echo 'wrong';
    case '#15.20' :
      echo 'right';

Presumably you are switching on the variable and expecting integers. Why not simply check the integer status of the variable beforehand using is_int($val) ?


make switch use === comparison not == comparison In PHP

Unfortunately switch uses loose comparison and as far as I know there's no way to change that.


This is not possible.

You can, however, put the if statements inside the switch:

switch($var) {
    // Loose cases here

    case 0:
        if($var === NULL) {
            return 'a';

        // Fall through

        return 'b';

Or simply:

switch($var) {
    // Loose cases here

        if($var === NULL) {
            return 'a';

        return 'b';
  • 7
    At that point why bother with the switch? You could even do `switch (true) { case $var === null: ... }
    – ircmaxell
    Aug 19, 2010 at 19:51
  • 1
    @ircmaxell, I assumed the OP wants fall-through logic or otherwise a reason to use switch beyond strict checking at times.
    – strager
    Aug 19, 2010 at 20:02

Switch statement in php does loose comparisons only (==) see http://www.php.net/manual/en/control-structures.switch.php

Use if/elseif/else if you need strict comparisons.


I just use

$var === null and $var = -1; // since switch is not type-safe
switch ( $var ) {
    case 0:
        # this tests for zero/empty string/false
    case -1:
        # this tests for null

I think this still looks very readable if the comment starting with // is left behind (and the ones starting with # are probably best deleted).


Nope. From the manual page:

Note that switch/case does loose comparison.

If you only have two conditions, use an if like your second example. Otherwise, check for NULL first and switch on the other possibilities:

if (is_null($var))
  return 'a';

switch ($var)
    // ...

Extrapolating from your example code, I guess you have a bunch of regular cases and one special case (here, null).

The simplest I can figure out is to handle this case before the switch:

if ($value === null) {
    return 'null';

switch ($value) {
    case 0:
        return 'zero';
    case 1:
        return 'one';
    case 2:
        return 'two';

Maybe also add a comment to remember null would unexpectedly match the 0 case (also the contrary, 0 would match a null case).


You can also switch on the type of the variable:

switch (gettype($var)) {

Per comment Peter Ajtai reminds that gettype() may be considered unstable and recommends the is_* family of functions:

switch (true) {
    case is_string($var):
    case is_int($var):
    case is_numeric($var):
  • Bad idea - From the docs: Never use gettype() to test for a certain type, since the returned string may be subject to change in a future version. In addition, it is slow too, as it involves string comparison. Instead, use the is_* functions. Oct 18, 2010 at 17:57
  • If gettype() changes that would make the function useless and the language less reliable. Using is_* doesn't answer the question about the switch. For the rest I agree :)
    – greg
    Mar 1, 2012 at 15:07
  • "is_* is a perfect case to switch for each is_* case." - my two cents
    – hakre
    Nov 26, 2022 at 20:06

Create an assertion-like class and put whatever logic you want in it; so long as "true" methods return $this (and nothing else to avoid false-positives.)

class Haystack
    public $value;

    public function __construct($value)
        $this->value = $value;

    public function isExactly($n)
        if ($n === $this->value)
            return $this;

$var = new Haystack(null);

switch ($var) {
    case $var->isExactly(''):
        echo "the value is an empty string";

    case $var->isExactly(null):
        echo "the value is null";

Or you can put your switch inside the actual class:

class Checker
    public $value;

    public function __construct($value)
        $this->value = $value;

    public function isExactly($n)
        if ($n === $this->value)
            return $this;

    public function contains($n)
        if (strpos($this->value, $n) !== false)
            return $this;

    public static function check($str)
        $var = new self($str);

        switch ($var) {
            case $var->isExactly(''):
                return "'$str' is an empty string";
            case $var->isExactly(null):
                return "the value is null";
            case $var->contains('hello'):
                return "'$str' contains hello";
                return "'$str' did not meet any of your requirements.";

var_dump(Checker::check('hello world'));   # string(28) "'hello world' contains hello"

Of course that that point you might want to re-evaluate what you want to do with what you're checking and use a real validation library instead.


If you want to test both value and type of your variable, then build a new string variable containing both informations and compare it with your different scenarios (by concatenation) it should work for your case if you implement all possible types (according to gettype() documentation), example :

    $var= 9999;
    $valueAndTypeOfVar = (string)$var.' '.gettype($var);
    switch($valueAndTypeOfVar) {
        case "$var boolean" : echo 'a'; break;
        case "$var integer" : echo 'b'; break; 
        case "$var double" : echo 'c'; break;
        case "$var string" : echo 'd'; break; 
        case "$var array" : echo 'e'; break;
        case "$var object" : echo 'f'; break; 
        case "$var resource" : echo 'g'; break;
        case "$var NULL" : echo 'h'; break; 
        case "$var unknown type" : echo 'i'; break; 
        default: echo 'j'; break;

   // Outputs: 'b'

One of the best way is to check NULL value by using is_null

function getValue()
    $var = 0;   
    switch (true) {
        case is_null($var) : 
            return 'a';
        default : 
            return 'b';

echo getValue();
  • 2
    The best, however, is === null since it avoids the unnecessary function call overhead.
    – Antti29
    Jan 27, 2016 at 9:13

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