I have a condition in my program where I have to combine a server (e.g. http://server1.my.corp/) that may or may not have an ending slash with a relative path (e.g. /Apps/TestOne/). According to the docs, Uri should...

Canonicalizes the path for hierarchical URIs by compacting sequences such as /./, /../, //,...

So when I do something like var url = new Uri(server + relativePath), I'd expect it to take what would otherwise be http://server1.my.corp//Apps/TestOne/ and remove the double slash (i.e // -> /), but ToString, AbsolutePath and various options still show the redundant/duplicate slash. Am I not using Uri right?


1 Answer 1


Take a look at the constructors for the Uri class. You need to specify a base Uri and a relative path to get the canonized behavior. Try something like this:

var server = new Uri("http://server1.my.corp/");
var resource = new Uri(server, "/Apps/TestOne/");
  • 2
    A word of caution to anyone using this constructor overload: be careful if your server URI contains any resource path component (e.g. "server1.my.corp/Apps/"). The resource path will be truncated if it is not terminated with a slash ("/"). See the Remarks section of the Uri(Uri, string) constructor documentation. May 16, 2023 at 18:43

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