As title said, any solutions on how to remove the shadow in image via openCV? Thanks and appreciate any helps!

  • 1
    Below is a link to a website, which completely deals with shadows, its detection, removal etc. Try it. It is more than sufficient, i think. It contains a lot of papers related to it. Try to implement it. cs.haifa.ac.il/hagit/courses/seminars/shadowRemoval/… If it is not sufficient, googling "shadow removal in images" gives you lots of information and papers. Jan 31, 2012 at 19:53
  • 1
    Here you have an implementation that explains an algorithm for shadow removal. Here is another method, simpler and maybe better to understand how to detect shadows in images. Good luck.
    – Jav_Rock
    Feb 1, 2012 at 8:25

1 Answer 1


For those who are looking for publication along with the source code of described algorithm, you might be interested by this paper: "Single-Image Shadow Detection and Removal using Paired Regions" by Ruiqi Guo, Qieyun Dai and Derek Hoiem.

They describe a method which works quite well and may be a very good start to implement your shadow-removing algorithm using OpenCV.

Image processing algorithm description

I found the source code here, but for posterity and to prevent possibly dead links in the future (I have met many), I also uploaded it on the Internet Archive.

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