How can I Reverse stack without using any (extra) data structure ? Any suggestions or Pseudo code could be helpful . I trying and couldn't find any viable solution . Problem here is I don-no the size of stack also . If i know that I could at-least proceed on creating something , Thanks in advance .

  • Since the stack itself is a data structure, are you allowed to use that?
    – corsiKa
    Nov 21, 2013 at 16:01
  • 3
    What can you do is pop all element of the current stack and push them to another. I'm not if that would suit you though.
    – sve
    Nov 21, 2013 at 16:02
  • 1
    How's the stack implemented? If it's your own implementation with a linked list, just reverse direction of pointers.
    – chill
    Nov 21, 2013 at 16:16
  • 1
    @chill, better yet - use a double ended queue
    – Leeor
    Nov 21, 2013 at 16:25
  • @Leeor nice one. Recursion does use a stack which is inbuilt. Is this a stupid interview question (Sometimes they ask such, why would anyone do with recursion,it is so expensive) Nov 21, 2013 at 16:43

3 Answers 3


This can be done with double recursion , as follows: .

void insert_at_bottom(node **stack, int data)
     if( isempty(*stack) ){
     int temp=pop(stack);

void rev_stack(node **stack)
     if( isempty(*stack) ) return;
     int temp = pop(stack);

You can easily do this using recursion. Then your maximum allowed stack size would be bound by maximum recursion depth. Some code:

public void reverse(Stack st) { 
    int m = (int)st.Pop(); 
    if (st.Count != 1) {
    Push(st , m); 

public void Push(Stack st , int a) { 
   int m = (int)st.Pop(); 
   if (st.Count != 0) {
       Push(st , a); 
   else {

Here's a different approach. I"m trying to use fixed set of variables (5 - max,A,A1,B,B1) and re-utilizing these variables, re-populating stack in reverse order.


Only works for Integers

Let's say Stack = [1,2,-3,4] with 1 on top.

max = 5

A = ((((((1*5)+2)*5)+3)*5)+4)*5

A1 = (((((((0+5)*5)+5)*5)+6)*5)+5)*5

With the help of A and A1 you can re-populate the stack but in the same order so calculating B and B1 which are in reverse order.

A1 & B1 are to remember negative integers.

Here, + max is for positive and + (max + 1) to remember negative integers.

import java.util.Stack;
//Not ideal solution. This is only because no other data structure can be used

 * 1. Find Max. Any number > max can be used for max
 * 2. Find A and A1
 * 3. Find B and B1
 * 4. Fill the Stack using B and B'
 * O( 4n ) = O( n )

class Stack_Reversal_Using_Recursion { 

static Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>(); 

public static void main(String[] args) {



    System.out.println("Using mathematical approch");

private static void better_Solution() {

    int size = stack.size();

    //Finding Max
    int max = 0;
    for(int item : stack){
        if( max < Math.abs(item) )
            max = Math.abs(item);
    max = max + 1;

    //Finding A and A1
    int A = 0;
    int A1 = 0;

    while( stack.size() > 0 )
        int x = stack.pop();
        A += Math.abs(x);
        A *= max;

        if( x < 0 )
            A1 += (max+1);
            A1 += max;
        A1 *= max;
    //A and A' hold single sum total value from which using max we can find out entire stack but in same order so we find out B and B1

    int B = 0;
    int B1 = 0;

    for( int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        A = A / max;
        A1 = A1/ max;

        int A_mdl = A % max;
        A -= A_mdl;

        int A1_mdl = A1 % max;
        if( A1_mdl == 0 )
            A1_mdl = max;
            A1_mdl = max + 1;
        A1 -= A1_mdl;

        B += A_mdl;
        B *= max;

        B1 += A1_mdl;
        B1 *= max;


    //Now that we have B and B1 in desired order let's re-populate the Stack
    for( int i = 0; i < size; i++)
        B = B / max;
        B1 = B1/ max;

        int B_mdl = B % max;
        B -= B_mdl;

        int B1_mdl = B1 % max;
        if( B1_mdl != 0 )
            B_mdl = -B_mdl;
        if( B1_mdl ==0 )
            B1 -= max;
            B1 -= (max+1);

        stack.push( B_mdl );




As stated earlier, This approach is only for Integers and one can always debate what if numbers are vary large! In that case As and Bs can be Big Integers.

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