If I do create a hashed index with ensureIndex({ _id: "hashed"}) will Mongo know to take any queries on the _id field and run them against the hashed index? Or do I need to update all the queries that use _id to be the _id_hashed?

  • 2
    when you create id:"hashed" index, it's _in addition to regular _id:1 index. Nov 23, 2013 at 1:33

1 Answer 1


Mongodb doesn't modify the _id field when a hashed index is created. It will do the right thing, and query against _id appropriately. The hash will only be used to query and balance the shards.

  • Is there a way to replace the existing "_id":1 index with "_id":"hashed" ? I have created an hashed index but the default id index still exists which takes up disk space and RAM.
    – ankshah
    Jul 24, 2017 at 9:37

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