I need to check for a form input value to be a positive integer (not just an integer), and I noticed another snippet using the code below:

$i = $user_input_value;
if (!is_numeric($i) || $i < 1 || $i != round($i)) {
  return TRUE;

I was wondering if there's any advantage to using the three checks above, instead of just doing something like so:

$i = $user_input_value;
if (!is_int($i) && $i < 1) {
  return TRUE;
  • the last check is only to see if the number is a integer. Using this check really depends on your requirements
    – Ass3mbler
    Jan 30, 2011 at 19:22
  • 2
    ...You are checking for a negative number in the code currently. Jan 30, 2011 at 19:26
  • Fixed! Sorry about that. Jan 30, 2011 at 19:36

21 Answers 21


Not sure why there's no suggestion to use filter_var on this. I know it's an old thread, but maybe it will help someone out (after all, I ended up here, right?).

$filter_options = array( 
    'options' => array( 'min_range' => 0) 

if( filter_var( $i, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, $filter_options ) !== FALSE) {

You could also add a maximum value as well.

$filter_options = array(
    'options' => array( 'min_range' => 0,
                        'max_range' => 100 )

Learn more about filters.

  • Note that this will still accept numeric strings like '123'. If you want to disallow zeros, set min_range option to 1.
    – BadHorsie
    Apr 10, 2019 at 15:28
  • FILTER_VALIDATE_INT doesn't return false for the string '+5'.
    – Wadih M.
    Apr 27, 2019 at 18:25
  • 0 is not a positive integer, so I would set min_range to 1.
    – Adam
    Oct 8, 2019 at 6:26
  • That's what the lack of type safety has driven the language into. Feb 27, 2023 at 0:38

the difference between your two code snippets is that is_numeric($i) also returns true if $i is a numeric string, but is_int($i) only returns true if $i is an integer and not if $i is an integer string. That is why you should use the first code snippet if you also want to return true if $i is an integer string (e.g. if $i == "19" and not $i == 19).

See these references for more information:

php is_numeric function

php is_int function

  • 2
    Just trying that code out, I am finding even that is not enough, since it validates ' 123' as an integer. I needed to add $i !== trim($i) to catch leading spaces. It seems that ' 123' == '123' even when you are sure the two values are strings, but PHP does not treat them as strings when comparing them that way.
    – Jason
    Feb 17, 2013 at 22:05
  • 1
    Notice that query string values (GET parameters) are always passed as string, even if the value if numeric. Sep 29, 2016 at 8:41

The best way for checking for positive integers when the variable can be INTEGER or STRING representing the integer:

 if ((is_int($value) || ctype_digit($value)) && (int)$value > 0 ) { // int }

is_int() will return true if the value type is integer. ctype_digit() will return true if the type is string but the value of the string is an integer.

The difference between this check and is_numeric() is that is_numeric() will return true even for the values that represent numbers that are not integers (e.g. "+0.123").

  • 2
    +1 seems by far the cleanest - it also works with super long strings made of digits. (Even when this string starts with -)
    – Dimitry K
    Dec 14, 2015 at 18:07
  • 1
    Note that it treats numerical strings with leading zeros (i.e. '00123') as integers, while FILTER_VALIDATE_INT does not.
    – retrowaver
    Mar 8, 2018 at 19:26

It's definitely heading towards the land of micro-optimisation, but hey: the code I'm working on chews through millions of items every day and it's Friday. So I did a little bit of experimenting...

for ($i = 0; $i < 1000000; $i++) {
    // Option 1: simple casting/equivalence testing
    if ((int) $value == $value && $value > 0) { ... }

    // Option 2: using is_int() and ctype_digit().  Note that ctype_digit implicitly rejects negative values!
    if ((is_int($value) && $value > 0) || ctype_digit($value)) { ... }

    // Option 3: regular expressions
    if (preg_match('/^\d+$/', $value)) { ... }

I then ran the above tests for both integer and string values

Option 1: simple casting/equivalence testing

  • Integer: 0.3s
  • String: 0.4s

Option 2: using is_int() and ctype_digit()

  • Integer: 0.9s
  • String: 1.45s

Option 3: regular expressions

  • Integer: 1.83s
  • String: 1.60s

Perhaps unsurprisingly, option 1 is by far the quickest, since there's no function calls, just casting. It's also worth noting that unlike the other methods, option 1 treats the string-float-integer value "5.0" as an integer:

$valList = array(5, '5', '5.0', -5, '-5', 'fred');
foreach ($valList as $value) {
    if ((int) $value == $value && $value > 0) {
        print "Yes: " . var_export($value, true) . " is a positive integer\n";
    } else {
        print "No: " . var_export($value, true) . " is not a positive integer\n";

Yes: 5 is a positive integer
Yes: '5' is a positive integer
Yes: '5.0' is a positive integer
No: -5 is not a positive integer
No: '-5' is not a positive integer
No: 'fred' is not a positive integer

Whether or not that's a good thing for your particular use-case is left as an exercise for the reader...


The other best way to check a Integer number is using regular expression. You can use the following code to check Integer value. It will false for float values.

if(preg_match('/^\d+$/',$i)) {
  // valid input.
} else {
  // invalid input.

It's better if you can check whether $i > 0 too.

  • this will return TRUE also for 0. Nov 12, 2015 at 12:37

and if you want to limit the length:

    preg_match('{^[0-9]{1,3}$}',$string)) //minimum of 1 max of 3

So pisitive int with a max length of 6:

    if(preg_match('{^[0-9]{1,6}$}',$string)) && $string >= 0)
  • does the preg_match allow negative int?
    – SuperSpy
    Jan 30, 2011 at 19:28
  • Another interesting approach... but this is harder to read, so I'd probably be less apt to use it. Jan 30, 2011 at 22:44

You don't really need to use all three check and if you want a positive integer you might want to do the opposite of what is in your code:

if(is_numeric($i) && $i >= 0) { return true; }

Check Sören's answer for more information concerning the difference between is_int() and is_numeric()

if(preg_match('/^[1-9]\d*$/',$i)) {
   //Positive and > 0

Rather than checking for int OR string with multiple conditions like:

if ( ctype_digit($i) || ( is_int($i) && $i > 0 ) )
    return TRUE;

you can simplify this by just casting the input to (string) so that the one ctype_digit call will check both string and int inputs:

if( ctype_digit( (string)$i ) )
    return TRUE;

In addition to all the other answers: You are probably looking for ctype_digit. It looks for a string containing only digits.



!A = !is_numeric($i)
B = $i < 1
!C = $i != round($i)


!is_numeric($i) || $i < 1 || $i != round($i) is equal to !A || B || !C


!A || B || !C = !A || !C || B

Now, using the deMorgan theorem, i.e. (!A || !C) = (A && C), then:

!A || !C || B = (A && C) || B

Now, note that A && C = is_numeric($i) && $i == round($i), but if $i == round($i) is TRUE, then is_numeric($i) is TRUE as well, so we can simplify A && C = C so,

(A && C) || B = C || B =

$i == round($i) || $i < 1

So you just need to use:

$i = $user_input_value;
if ($i == round($i) || $i < 1) {
  return TRUE;

To check for positive integer use:

$i = $user_input_value;
if (is_int($i) && $i > 0) {
  return true; //or any other instructions 


$i = $user_input_value;
if (!is_int($i) || $i < 1) {
  return false; //or any other instructions 

Use the one that fits your purpose as they are the same. The following examples demonstrate the difference between is_numeric() and is_int():

is_numeric(0);     // returns true
is_numeric(7);     // returns true
is_numeric(-7);    // returns true
is_numeric(7.2);   // returns true
is_numeric("7");   // returns true
is_numeric("-7");  // returns true
is_numeric("7.2"); // returns true
is_numeric("abc"); // returns false

is_int(0);     // returns true
is_int(7);     // returns true
is_int(-7);    // returns true
is_int(7.2);   // returns false
is_int("7");   // returns false
is_int("-7");  // returns false
is_int("7.2"); // returns false
is_int("abc"); // returns false
  • 2
    is_int checks variable type. It is not applicable to user's input because in most cases it is string.
    – Kirzilla
    Feb 4, 2014 at 13:27

Laravel 4.2 Validation rule for positive number

It takes only positive numbers including float values.

public static $rules = array(
    'field_name' => 'required|regex:/^\d*\.?\d*$/'



The first example is using round to verify that the input is an integer, and not a different numeric value (ie: a decimal).

is_int will return false if passed a string. See the PHP manual examples for is_int


All these answers overlook the fact that the requestor may checking form input.
The is_int() will fail because the form input is a string.
is_numeric() will be true also for float numbers.
That is why the $i == round($i) comes in as it checks for the input being a whole number.

  • Saying "All these answers" is a stretch. I see some answers prior to yours that use regular expressions, for example. Oct 30, 2018 at 16:48

Ok, I know this thread is really old but I share @Jeffrey Vdovjak's opinion: since I was able to find it, it might still help someone else out there.

php's gmp_sign() might be another easy way to check. It works for integer and numeric strings, and returns 1 if a is positive, -1 if a is negative, and 0 if a is zero.


// positive
echo gmp_sign("500") . "\n";

// negative
echo gmp_sign("-500") . "\n";

// zero
echo gmp_sign("0") . "\n";

will output:


See function manual at http://php.net/manual/en/function.gmp-sign.php

P.S. You'll need to have php_gmp.dll enabled in your .ini file.


This's my solution, hope helpful :

if (is_numeric($i) && (intval($i) == floatval($i)) && intval($i) > 0)
   echo "positive integer";

i check if string is numeric, second check to sure it's integer and third to sure it positive


If you use "is_int" the variable must be integer, so it can't be a float value. (no round needed).

if(isset($i) && is_int($i) && $i >= 0){ //0 is technically a postive integer I suppose
    return TRUE; //or FALSE I think in your case.

I would do something like this:

if ((int) $i > 0) {
    // this number is positive

The number gets typecast to a positive or negative number depending on the minus sign being at the front. Then compares the typecast number to being greater than 0 to determine if the number is positive.

  • The question is to test if a value is a positive integer. Your proposed solution will return true for any value which when cast to an integer results in a positive value including, but not limited to, positive float values and the boolean literal true. Oct 30, 2018 at 16:43

I know this is an old question, but the top answers here did not take into account leading zeroes. And if you are in search of a way to check for positive integers without leading zeroes (think of default autoincremented values, e.g. MySQL ID columns, starting from 1) that might also be numeric strings (contained in a URL, such as an HTTP GET parameter), here are two alternatives:

function isNumericId($input): bool
    return ctype_digit($input) && $input[0] != 0;

Using a regular expression:

function isNumericId($input): bool
    return preg_match("/^[1-9][0-9]*$/", $input) === 1;

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