I import a db from a large mysqldump file, the file is about 200GB, after import, the db shows only partial tables, some tables were not imported. The process produced no error. here are the commands:

nohup mysql -uroot -ppass db_name <dumpfile.sql &
  • if you backgrounded it without directing stdout/stderr to a file, how do you know that no errors or warnings were actually produced?
    – imm
    Oct 10, 2011 at 0:37
  • it redirected output to nohup.out by default
    – user881480
    Oct 10, 2011 at 0:39
  • Any reason you did that with nohup and &? Can you retry that in screen? Can you check that the partial tables are complete in that dumpfile.sql?
    – ott--
    Oct 10, 2011 at 1:01
  • because it's a remote server and I use ssh terminal to do it, there are tables in that dumpfile that doesn't exist in the final db.
    – user881480
    Oct 10, 2011 at 11:31

1 Answer 1


Better to create a single dump for each table then no need to do the whole import on failure.

Suppose your db is named MyTestDB

$ mysql -u<dbuser> -p<dbpass> -h<dbhost> MyTestDB -e "SHOW TABLES" > ./tablelist.txt

That creates a table list file in the current directory Now dump the tables to a folder called dbdump

$ for table in `cat ./tablelist.txt`; do echo $table; mysqldump -u<dbuser> -p<dbpass> -h<dbhost> MyTestDB $table > ./dbdump/$table.sql

Similarly to import it into the db

$ for table in `cat ./tablelist.txt`; do echo $table; mysql -u<dbuser> -p<dbpass> -h<dbhost> MyTestDB  < ./dbdump/$table.sql

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