I'm using the default authentication system with django, but I've added on an OpenID library, where I can authenticate users via OpenID. What I'd like to do is log them in, but it seems using the default django auth system, I need their password to authenticate the user. Is there a way to get around this without actually using their password?

I'd like to do something like this...

user = ... # queried the user based on the OpenID response
user = authenticate(user) # function actually requires a username and password

I sooner just leave off the authenticate function, but it attaches a backend field, which is required by login.


4 Answers 4


It's straightforward to write a custom authentication backend for this. If you create yourapp/auth_backend.py with the following contents:

from django.contrib.auth.backends import ModelBackend
from django.contrib.auth.models import User

class PasswordlessAuthBackend(ModelBackend):
    """Log in to Django without providing a password.

    def authenticate(self, username=None):
            return User.objects.get(username=username)
        except User.DoesNotExist:
            return None

    def get_user(self, user_id):
            return User.objects.get(pk=user_id)
        except User.DoesNotExist:
            return None

Then add to your settings.py:

    # ... your other backends

In your view, you can now call authenticate without a password:

user = authenticate(username=user.username)
login(request, user)
  • 13
    This works great but beware - if you want to use regular auth in some situations, as well as no-password auth in others, be sure to prevent your new backend causing every attempt with a valid username to succeed - remember that all backends are tried when authenticate() is called. In mine I require a special token argument to be included to ensure that the caller of authenticate() really wanted no-password auth to work.
    – Richard
    May 12, 2014 at 9:46
  • @Richard How you implemented regular auth and no password auth. I am trying to implement that but it is calling regular auth method. Mar 8, 2019 at 6:02
  • Above code is not working with Django 2.1. It is not calling authenticate method of PasswordlessAuthBackend class. But it worls with Django 2.0 Mar 8, 2019 at 7:41
  • @SanketPatel I suspect that in newer Django versions the def authenticate must take a request parameter, as in another answer for this question.
    – nh2
    Dec 26, 2020 at 3:06
  • @SanketPatel More info in stackoverflow.com/a/54370236/263061.
    – nh2
    Dec 26, 2020 at 3:19

This is a bit of a hack but if you don't want to rewrite a bunch of stuff remove the authenticate

user.backend = 'django.contrib.auth.backends.ModelBackend'
login(request, user)

user would be your User object

  • 4
    That is one possible solution, but that doesn't get stored in the session, so if you open a new tab and go to the site, you have to log in again. Jul 6, 2011 at 5:24
  • 1
    This WILL be saved in the session, and work in subsequent views. The only gotcha is that the backend you set must be included in the AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting. I wish I could undo my downvote, but I can't. Apr 29, 2015 at 14:13
  • @voodoogiant, I met exactly the same issue, that is the session is not stored. But weird enough, the first 2 XHR requests could get session data from session-id correctly. But the later XHR request does not, and Django server set session-id in cookie to blank string in response. Do you know why? and how to solve that?
    – Jcyrss
    Jun 4, 2016 at 14:02

In order to do authenticate without password, in your settings.py:

# auth_backend.py implementing Class YourAuth inside yourapp folder
# Default authentication of Django

In your auth_backend.py:

NOTE: If you have custom model for your app then import from .models CustomUser

from .models import User 
from django.conf import settings

# requires to define two functions authenticate and get_user

class YourAuth:  

    def authenticate(self, request, username=None):
            user = User.objects.get(username=username)
            return user
        except User.DoesNotExist:
            return None
    def get_user(self, user_id):
            return User.objects.get(pk=user_id)
        except User.DoesNotExist:
            return None

In your Views for custom login request:

# Your Logic to login user
userName = authenticate(request, username=uid)
login(request, userName)

For further reference, use the django documentation here.

  • 1
    Thanks for formatting for better readability @OliviaStork Jul 13, 2020 at 17:42
  • can I use this on just one app of my project, and not apply it to the rest of the project? Dec 28, 2020 at 21:39
  • 'uid' is not defined. What are you refering to with 'uid'? Dec 30, 2020 at 21:37
  • 'uid' is the custom parameter to store User ID in logic Dec 31, 2020 at 11:49
  • @Timothyjames67 Yes you can make custom user model Dec 31, 2020 at 11:52

You can easily fix this by creating your own authentication backend and adding it to the AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS setting.

There are some OpenID backends available already, so with a bit of searching you could save yourself the trouble of writing one.

  • I've had problems with django OpenID backends as they weren't compatible with Google's unique way of doing OpenID. Anyway, like I said I already have a password-based backend and I just want to use OpenID in some cases--not switch to a strict OpenID backend. Jul 4, 2011 at 4:20
  • @voodoogiant: depending on the keyword arguments the authentication backend is chosen. So if you use openid_token for your OpenID backend and username with password for your normal authentication system than they will both work.
    – Wolph
    Jul 5, 2011 at 14:41

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