I would like to use Swig to generate C# wrappers for my c++ classes. I am facing the following problem:

I have defined an enum that uses values from a third party (closed source) library. The values are declared inside HEADER_FROM_3RD_PARTY_LIB.h as


My header file looks like:


namespace Foo
    namespace Bar
    class MyClass
            enum MyEnum
        Enum1 = 3RD_PARTY_LIB_CONST_VALUE_1,            
        Enum2 = 3RD_PARTY_LIB_CONST_VALUE_2     

I am using the following swig code:

%module cpp  

    #include "MyClass.h"  

%include <windows.i>  
%include "MyClass.h"  

The wrapper is successfully generated but the generated csharp file has the following enum generated:

public enum MyEnum
    Enum1 = 3RD_PARTY_LIB_CONST_VALUE_1,            
    Enum2 = 3RD_PARTY_LIB_CONST_VALUE_2     

Obviously this generates an error since C# cannot find the 3RD_PARTY_LIB_CONST_VALUE_1 and 3RD_PARTY_LIB_CONST_VALUE_2 values.

Any ideas who could this be resolved? I had a look at Swig examples but could not find something similar.

  • That's rather odd. Have you tried building MyClass.cpp and it builds fine? The 3RD_PARTY_LIB_CONSTs are they anoter enum, or a #define, or static const or what? Please update your question not in comment.
    – Oliver
    Feb 1, 2014 at 12:57
  • Thanks for looking at this. I have updated my question and provided a temporary solution, but I am not happy with the result. Feb 1, 2014 at 15:28

1 Answer 1


The only solution I found so far was either to include


in the swig file or redefine the values again in the swig file


Any other suggestions how this could be improved? The problem with the first approach is that by including the entire header file I get lots of auto generated files that I do not need.

  • I agree, but +1 for finding a solution and posting it.
    – Oliver
    Feb 2, 2014 at 12:46

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