I have the following Stripes ActionBean:

package myapp;

import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.*;

public class WelcomeActionBean extends MyAppActionBean {
    public Resolution view() {
        return new ForwardResolution("/welcome.jsp");

When I load /myapp/Welcome.action in a browser, the contents of welcome.jsp are displayed.

However, when I move welcome.jsp to /WEB-INF/jsp/welcome.jsp and change the ForwardResolution argument to reflect that change, i.e.:

return new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/jsp/welcome.jsp");

I get the following error when I load /myapp/Welcome.action:

net.sourceforge.stripes.exception.ActionBeanNotFoundException: Could not locate an ActionBean that is bound to the URL [/Welcome.action]. Commons reasons for this include mis-matched URLs and forgetting to implement ActionBean in your class. Registered ActionBeans are: {/controller/DefaultView.action=class net.sourceforge.stripes.controller.DefaultViewActionBean, /myapp/MyApp.action/=class myapp.MyAppActionBean, /myapp/Welcome.action/=class myapp.WelcomeActionBean, /controller/DefaultView.action/=class net.sourceforge.stripes.controller.DefaultViewActionBean, /myapp/MyApp.action=class myapp.MyAppActionBean, /myapp/Welcome.action=class myapp.WelcomeActionBean}

Is it necessary to perform any special configuration in order to store JSP files in the WEB-INF directory?

2 Answers 2


My understanding is the following: your WelcomeActionBean in not in a package ([web, www, stripes, action]) automagically handled by the NameBasedActionResolver (read the javadoc) so it is actually mapped to /myapp/Welcome.action (as stated in the error message).

So, when you request /Welcome.action, there isn't any existing ActionBean bound to that URL and the resolver fallbacks to /welcome.jsp (again, see the NameBasedActionResolver javadoc). And when you move your JSP under /WEB-INF/jsp, well, you run out of luck and everything just fails.

To solve this, either:

  • Access the "right" (in the current state) URL binding i.e. /myapp/Welcome.action

  • Or, if you want your ActionBean to be bound to /Welcome.action by the conventions, move it in a package handled by the NameBasedActionResolver, e.g. action:

    package myapp.action;
    import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.*;
    public class WelcomeActionBean extends MyAppActionBean {
        public Resolution view() {
            return new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/jsp/welcome.jsp");
  • Or add a @UrlBinding to your action to configure the binding explicitly:

    package myapp;
    import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.*;
    public class WelcomeActionBean extends MyAppActionBean {
        public Resolution view() {
            return new ForwardResolution("/WEB-INF/jsp/welcome.jsp");
  • Your tip about NameBasedActionResolver pushed me in the right direction. I was accessing /myapp/Welcome.action instead of /myapp/myapp/Welcome.action. Feb 12, 2010 at 16:56

WEB-INF is a special directory, and its contents aren't accessible to the client. (It makes sense - you wouldn't want the client to be able to download your web.xml or your .class files.)

You need to move the JSP files outside of WEB-INF.

  • 3
    the client isn't accessing these jsps. The server is, using internal forward. It is perfectly OK to have jsps in the WEB-INF folder, if they are included or forwarded to
    – Bozho
    Feb 12, 2010 at 8:30

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