I have a neo4j graph which looks like this :

    |              ^
    |              |
    |              |
    v              |

Which states, user friends with user2 and user likes actor and friend (user2) likes actor too.

Now, given actor, when I try to pull all the users friends who like Actor, I do something like this :

START user=node(*)
MATCH (user)-[:FRIENDS]-(friend)-[like_rela:LIKES]-(actor)
WHERE user.uid=123 AND actor.id = 234
RETURN DISTINCT friend, like_rela;

The above query returns all my user's friends who like an actor. This does not return the relationship between the user and the actor though. Is there a way I can club this into the same query ?

I am using Neo4j 1.9


1 Answer 1


This might be close to what you are after:

MATCH (user {id:123})-[:FRIENDS]-(friend)-[f_like_rel:LIKES]->(actor {id:234})
OPTIONAL MATCH (user)-[u_rel]-(actor)
RETURN DISTINCT friend, u_rel, f_like_rel;


  1. The above (user {id:123})-[:FRIENDS]-(friend) pattern is non-directional, so that the FRIENDS relationship can go either way.
  2. However, the (friend)-[f_like_rel:LIKES]->(actor {id:234}) pattern is directional, as I presume you don't want to capture any actors who happen to like your friend (without the feeling being reciprocated).
  3. u_rel can be of type FRIENDS or LIKES; or it can be NULL if the user has no relationship with the actor. I left this pattern non-directional, but you may want to make it directional.

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