I'm trying to implement a linked list in assembly, so I have an 'array' (actually 20 bytes) to save the link for 5 possible lists. each 'link' is 5 bytes long (1 for data 4 for pointer - x86 machine). Now I called malloc and created 1 link and pushed a number into the first byte (decimal number) and moved the link pointer to the start of the array. after that I try to call malloc again to create a new link but the new link created overwrites the link I have allready pushed into the array and I have no idea why!!!. here is the code and some input/output examples:

section .rodata
    DB  "The number is: %i", 10, 0  ;  string

    DB  "Memory allocation failed!!!", 10, 0    ;  string

section .data
section .bss

    RESB    20

    RESB    link_size   

section .text
align 16
global main
extern printf
extern malloc
extern gets
link_size EQU 5

jmp main 


%macro  mymalloc 2  ;malloc macro
mov edx, %1 ; size to allocate
push edx
call malloc
add esp,4
test eax,eax
jz fail_exit
mov [%2], eax

%macro myprintf 1 ;printing macro
push %1
push LC0
call printf
add esp,8

mymalloc link_size,link
mov byte[link], 44
mov dword[numbers_stack],link

mov eax,0
mymalloc link_size,link ; allocate new link - *at this point the contents are allready overwritten

mov eax,[numbers_stack] ; get pointer to list head from numbers_array[0] into eax
mov edx,0
mov dl,byte[eax]
myprintf edx

output examples: it will always print out the number '40' where its supposed to print out '44' if i delete the second mymalloc it will print 44 as expected, please help! why is it still pointed to the old memory location when I obviously allocated a new one?!

1 Answer 1


You are basically missing one level of indirection. malloc will return a pointer that you store in link (thus it's size should be 4, not link_size). Then, when you do mov byte[link], 44 you are overwriting this pointer and not writing into the allocated memory region. You need to load the pointer into a register (but of course malloc already returned it in eax) and then dereference that, such as:

mov eax, [link]
mov byte [eax], 44

You will also need to adjust the pointer there and you don't need the numbers_stack at all, lists just have a head pointer. You might want to use the common established names such as head, next and node so that others can more easily understand what you are talking about.

PS: if you are using libc functions you should use entry point main and not _start and link with all the necessary startup objects so that libc has a chance to initialize properly. You should finally just ret from main, or use the exit function but not the exit syscall.

Update: here is a possible implementation that allocates 2 lists and prints the first value from each:

section .rodata
    DB  "The number is: %i", 10, 0  ;  string
    DB  "Memory allocation failed!!!", 10, 0    ;  string

section .bss

struc node
    .next resd 1
    .value resb 1

    RESD    5

section .text
global main
extern printf
extern malloc
extern gets


%macro  mymalloc 1  ;malloc macro
push %1 ; size to allocate
call malloc
add esp,4
test eax,eax
jz fail_exit

%macro myprintf 1 ;printing macro
push %1
push LC0
call printf
add esp,8

mymalloc node_size
mov [list_heads], eax
mov dword [eax + node.next], 0
mov byte [eax + node.value], 44

mymalloc node_size
mov [list_heads + 4], eax
mov dword [eax + node.next], 0
mov byte [eax + node.value], 11

mov eax, [list_heads] ; get pointer to first list head
movzx edx, byte [eax + node.value]
myprintf edx

mov eax, [list_heads + 4] ; get pointer to second list head
movzx edx, byte [eax + node.value]
myprintf edx

Hope this helps.

  • I want to save 5 possible head pointers, how can I manage all 5 lists without a structure to hold the pointers to the list heads? , and why wouldent i want to allocate link in the size of 5? i need 1 byte of data + 4 for "next" pointer
    – yair
    Apr 28, 2014 at 16:07
  • Oh okay, if you want 5 lists then yeah, you need that.
    – Jester
    Apr 28, 2014 at 16:12
  • It still dosent work...im either missing something or I didnt understand you, I have changed the code to be: mymalloc link_size,link mov eax,[link] mov byte [eax],44 mov [link], eax mov dword[numbers_stack],link ; move list head to numbers_array[0] mymalloc link_size,link ; allocate new link mov eax,[link] mov byte [eax],16 mov [link], eax but it still wont work, I also changed link_size to be 4
    – yair
    Apr 28, 2014 at 16:58

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