I'm working on a relatively big project that is using automake build system.

Now the problem is that I need to link the project with a library from another project (this works fine), but I also need to include a header from the other project source tree (api.h).


in Makefile.am doesn't work, because there are .h files with coliding names in the remote source directory. How can I add just the api.h?

I used a symlink into the include directory in the project, but now I need to push the sources into a public repo and everyone working with it has the other project in a different directory, so I need to use the configure param.

2 Answers 2


You do not want to tweak you Makefile.am or your configure.ac in any way. If api.h is installed in a standard location (eg /usr/include), then all you need is AC_CHECK_HEADERS([api.h]) in configure.ac. If api.h is installed in a non-standard location (eg /home/joe/include), the way to pick it up in your project is determined at configure time. When you run configure, you add the argument CPPFLAGS=-I/home/joe/include to the invocation of configure. You do not indicate the non-standard location in the build files themselves.

Another alternative is to use pkg-config, but the non-standard location of your header file will still be dealt with when you run configure. (This time by setting PKG_CONFIG_PATH rather than CPPFLAGS)

  • Yes, its in nonstandard location. But how do I compile the files against the header? I need to have the include path during compilation as well, otherwise it won't work. Mar 9, 2010 at 17:27
  • When you add CPPFLAGS=-I/path/to/include, you are telling the build system where it needs to look for header files. All invocations of make that invoke the preprocessor will have -I/path/to/include passed as an argument to $CPP Mar 10, 2010 at 3:38
  • I know, but thats exactly what my question is about. How do I do it without adding the include path. Because that is what I can't do. Mar 10, 2010 at 11:03
  • You can't, except by mangling your project. If you want to avoid having to type it, you can put it in your environment or use a CONFIG_SITE. The non-standard location in which you have installed the dependency on your machine is not an inherent part of your project, and therefore your project's build files should not know anything about it. Mar 11, 2010 at 16:07

If you have headers with same names, you could put at least one of them into directory with different name and include it using directory name.

Here's a sample directory structure:



In main.cpp:

#include "api.h"
#include "mylibrary/api.h"

#include <boost/regex.hpp>

When compiling:

g++ -I mylibrary/include

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