I have a normal http get Ajax call that returns html pre formatted string: '\u000a\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009\u000a\u0009#07\/04\/2014#\u000a'

I am trying to set this value in pre tag.

HTML: <pre id="preContainer"></pre>

JS: var container = document.getElementById('preContainer');

Work if I pass it in code hardcode value:

container.innerHTML = '\u000a\u0009\u0009\u0009\u0009\u000a\u0009#07\/04\/2014#\u000a';

But do not work if I pass directly the ajax returned object (Angular JS GET Call):

httpFactory.getHTML(..id..).success(function (emailHTML, status) {

            var container = document.getElementById('preContainer');
            container.innerHTML = emailHTML;                

Both the hardcode value and emailHTML value are exactly same. But in later it's not formatting in PRE tag. Any idea Why ?

2 Answers 2


My guess is they are not exactly the same, but what ever you're looking at to see the value (like chrome tools or w/e) is just showing it encoded or w/e. (If they were exactly the same you'd have the same result)

Can you just encode the output again before putting into the innerHTML tag?

container.innerHtml = encodeHoweverYouEncode(emailHTML);

(That's probably not how you want it encoded, but use w/e encodes your value there)

  • Hi Kyle - When i am logging just after http call using console.log in chrome console window it's showing as a string but when i am copying and pasting again in console window its showing as formatted. Jul 4, 2014 at 20:07

I just tried jquery Get call and pre tag is rendering HTML fine. Somehow its not working with Angular JS http call.

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