I'm trying to set a selected value on a dropdown. But before I do this I check if the selected value is present within the control. To do this I use the following code:

var exists = 0 != $('#comp option[value="'+ value +'"]').length; 

where value can be upper, lower case or mixed case. How can I rewrite this bit of code so it works with all sorts of casing?

4 Answers 4


Instead of selecting for all just make the value to lower case when checking it.

  • The values in the list are not lower case and I can't make them in this scenario.
    – Patrick
    Apr 19, 2012 at 14:57
  • But can you make them lower case just to check the values? These don't have to change the values. Apr 19, 2012 at 15:02
$('#comp option').each(function() {
   if(this.value.toLowerCase() === value.toLowerCase() ) { 
      // do something
  • np. I would suggest maybe looking to see if there was a more performant solution to this. if this is the only form on your page, or it is named.. you can eliminate jQuery completely.
    – rlemon
    Apr 19, 2012 at 15:18
var myvalue = 'ONE';
$('select option').filter(function() {
    if(new RegExp(this.value, 'ig').test(myvalue))
        $(this).attr('selected', true);

Also you can use this approach.

var matchingValue = $('#select option').filter(function () { 
     return this.value.toLowerCase() == 'stackoverflow'; 
     } ).attr('value');    

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