This block of code is being accessed by many threads

    // All code is from same class

    public void ExecuteCommand(IAsciiCommand command, IAsciiCommandSynchronousResponder responder)
        lock (commander)
            if (commander.IsConnected)
                commander.ExecuteCommand(command, responder);

    public void Disconnect()
        var tmp = commander.IsConnected;
        if (commander.IsConnected != tmp && !commander.IsConnected)

And eventually i get this: Error

How is this possible, that thread accessed into if statement, whose condition returns false? How can i fix it?

  • Where do you close this "port"? Is that code also being locked?
    – vgru
    Aug 12, 2014 at 10:02
  • Service(has connection and port) <--> Model <--> GUI Aug 12, 2014 at 10:03
  • @Groo I'm pretty basic at c# , What's a monitor? Aug 12, 2014 at 10:04
  • But where do you close it? Is there a method which closes this port, without taking a lock? What type of a port is this anyway? (edit) Monitor is the synchronization construct used by the lock statement. My question was basically "do you lock while closing".
    – vgru
    Aug 12, 2014 at 10:04
  • See the updated source Aug 12, 2014 at 10:07

3 Answers 3


This is happening because the check and the call lack atomicity. Here is a sequence of events that could lead to an exception:

  • Two threads, A and B, are reaching the condition at the same time
  • Thread A checks the condition, which returns true, so it enters the if block
  • At the same time, thread scheduler decides that thread A has exhausted its time slot, and suspends it
  • Thread B calls Disconnect
  • Thread scheduler resumes thread A, which is inside the if condition. However, the command is no longer connected
  • This causes the exception

You can fix it by locking commander inside Disconnect().

public void Disconnect()
    bool doEvent;
    lock(commander) {
        var tmp = commander.IsConnected;
        doEvent = (commander.IsConnected != tmp && !commander.IsConnected)
    // Run OnPropertyChanged outside the locked context 
    if (doEvent)

You need to lock on a static object. Right now you're creating separate locks based on the object your are working with (commander). Try this:

public class WhatEverClassHasTheExecuteCommandMethod
     private static object _lock = new object();

     public void ExecuteCommand(IAsciiCommand command, IAsciiCommandSynchronousResponder responder)
          lock (_lock)
              if (commander.IsConnected)                  
                 commander.ExecuteCommand(command, responder);
  • I don't think OP has multiple commander instances. And if s/he does, I don't see why you would need to lock access to all of them if you are writing to a single one.
    – vgru
    Aug 12, 2014 at 10:12

If you are not locking while disconnecting, it's entirely possible to get a race condition. The basic solution is to add a lock inside the Disconnect method:

public void Disconnect()
    lock (commander)
        var tmp = commander.IsConnected;
        if (commander.IsConnected != tmp && !commander.IsConnected)

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