So I'm trying to use Google Map suggest API to request place name suggestions. Unfortunately I can't find the docs for this bit.

Here is an example URI:


which returns:


I want to use this in python (2.5). Now in proper JSON there would have been quotations around the keys like so:


and I could have used simplejson or something, but as it is I'm a bit stuck.

There are two possible solutions here; either I can get to the API code and find an option to return proper JSON, or I do that in python.

Any ideas please.

  • If you can't find documentation for them, maybe they are purposely undocumented, so be aware that they may change or stop working at any time for any reason :)
    – badp
    Apr 29, 2010 at 8:49
  • Good point. I've also noticed that you can get xml by adding output=xml
    – user132262
    Apr 29, 2010 at 8:53

3 Answers 3


Ugh, that's indeed pretty annoying. It's a JavaScript literal but it — pointlessly — isn't JSON.

In theory you are supposed to be able to import json.decoder.JSONDecoder from the Python stdlib (or simplejson pre-2.6, which is the same) and subclass it, then pass that subclass to json.loads to override decoder behaviour. In reality this isn't really feasible as json.decoder is full of global cross-references that resist subclassing, and the bit you need to change is slap bang in the middle of def JSONObject.

So it's probably worth looking at other Python JSON libraries. I found this one which, in ‘non-strict’ mode, will parse unquoted object property names:

>>> import demjson
>>> demjson.decode('{suggestion:[{query:"London",interpretation: ...')
{u'suggestion': [{u'query': u'London', u'operation': 2, u'interpretation': ...

I would try to poke around in order to get JSON, but failing that there's this little monstrosity which someone will inevitably yell at me about:

class Iden(object):
  def __getitem__(name, index):
    return index

notjson = '{...}'

data = eval(notjson, {}, Iden())
  • I'm not really sure why that works, but it certainly does. Thanks.
    – user132262
    Apr 29, 2010 at 8:53
  • It works because when eval() hits the key of suggestion it looks up the name in the scopes it has. The local scope is created from an Iden mapping, which just turns around and returns the string used for the lookup. So suggestion becomes 'suggestion', which is a perfectly valid key. Apr 29, 2010 at 8:55
  • eek! You'd have to trust Google Maps pretty well to allow them to eval arbitrary Python code on your server! :-) Apart from that there are problems with any unquoted name that's a Python keyword or builtin, JS true/false/null are returned as strings, and as all strings are undecoded byte strings, any \u escapes will go wrong.
    – bobince
    Apr 29, 2010 at 9:19
  • Sure, but those can be solved by making __getitem__() more clever. Apr 29, 2010 at 9:41
  • 2
    Hiding builtins is insufficient to jail Python. One way out: eval('(lambda _:_).func_globals["__builtins__"]["__import__"]("os").system("ls")', {}, Iden()).
    – bobince
    Apr 29, 2010 at 11:12
import demjson

I found this when trying to parse Google Finance option "JSON" data, which, as many note, isn't JSON-compliant.

demjson saved me writing an obnoxious regex string; it just works.

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