I have a question on constant objects. In the following program:

class const_check{
    int a;
    const_check(int i);
    void print() const;
    void print2();

const_check::const_check(int i):a(i) {}

void const_check::print() const {
int a=19;
    cout<<"The value in a is:"<<a;

void const_check::print2() {
    int a=10;
    cout<<"The value in a is:"<<a;

int main(){
    const_check b(5);
    const const_check c(6);

void print() is a constant member function of the class const_check, so according to the definition of constants any attempt to change int a should result in an error, but the program works fine for me. I think I am having some confusion here, can anybody tell me why the compiler is not flagging it as an error?

4 Answers 4


By writing

int a = 19;

inside print(), you are declaring a new local variable a. This has nothing to do with the int a that you declared inside the class const_check. The member variable is said to be shadowed by the local variable. And it's perfectly okay to declare local variables in a const function and modify them; the constness only applies to the fields of the object.

Try writing

a = 19;

instead, and see an error appear.

  • Oh i missed that...Silly Thanks
    – Jony
    Apr 3, 2010 at 20:42
  • At least when using gcc, you may switch on a warning for this situation: -Wshadow will gcc make raising warnings when a symbol shadows another. IMO it's a good thing to switch on a lot of these warnings, so that you do not run into unintended behaviour, like this one. I bet clang and other compilers do have a comparable command line flag.
    – kaba
    Sep 2, 2023 at 22:39

You aren't changing the instance variable a you are creating a local variable a in each method.


You're not changing the member variable a in either print() or print2(). You're declaring a new local variable a which shadows the member variable a.


Also, unless I am mistaken, you forgot to actually declare the member variable const to begin with.

  • 1
    That has nothing to do with it. When a member function is const, that means that the this pointer is a const pointer to const, so you can't modify it or anything it points to - that includes member variables of that object (and even if you don't explicitly use this, you're always using it when accessing member variables from within a member function). If a member variable is const, then you can't modify it at all - even in a non-const member function. But in a const member function, you can't modify any member variables regardless of whether it's const or not. Apr 5, 2010 at 12:09
  • You're right - I missed that he declared the method const instead.
    – Puppy
    Apr 5, 2010 at 22:24

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