in C++ I have two chars holding hex values e.g.:

char t = 0x4;
char q = 0x4;

How would i compare if the two values held in the char are the same?? I tried

if (t == q) // should give me true

but no, any help, thanks!

  • Wait, something's wrong here. That should, and does execute if branch of the conditional. We need more context. Your "a & b" answer is not correct - that will be "true" for any overlapping bits in the representation of a and b Nov 2, 2008 at 20:19
  • That should work. Why do you think it does not? Nov 2, 2008 at 20:45

2 Answers 2


A char is just an 8-bit integer. It doesn't matter if you initialized it with hex or decimal literal, in either case the value of the char will be the same afterwards.


char t = 0x4;
char q = 0x4;
if(t == q)
 //They are the same

It is equivalent to:

char t = 4;
char q = 4;
if(t == q)
 //They are the same

You mentioned that the above is not true, but you must have an error in your code or t and q must not be the same.

What you suggested...

if (t == q) // should give me true but no, any help, thanks!

is not correct. Why?

t & q does a bitwise compare, returning a value where both aligned bits are 1.

The term "if(t&q)" would return true as long as any of the bits of t and q are in common.

so if t = 3 which is in binary 00000011 and q = 1 which is in binary 00000001 then (t&q) would return true even know they are not equal.


Ah, I found the solution:

if (t & q)
  • That should be if ( t && q ) Your statement, (t & q), does a bit-wise comparison. Granted, this may be what you want.
    – dwj
    Nov 2, 2008 at 20:15
  • In any case, this isn't what he asked. If t and q are initialized as presented, then t==q certainly gives true - atleast with my compiler. Nov 2, 2008 at 20:21
  • Martin the problem with it is mostly that it works for too many values. Example t= 3 and q = 1. Nov 2, 2008 at 20:50
  • BobS, while I think the downvoting has been a bit excessive here, I think you should have just edited your question and added this info to the end of it. Nov 3, 2008 at 5:19

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