How do I programmatically make my UINavigationBar (which doesn't have a UINavigationController) have a prompt whom's text value equals webTitle.

I've tried the following with no luck:

self.navigationItem.prompt = webTitle;

The only way I have been able to create a prompt is by applying the following settings onto the NavigationBar in IB.


2 Answers 2


I'm assuming your UINavigationBar belongs to whatever has the webTitle variable. Let's say the UINavigationBar exists as a property called navigationBar, then you can use this

self.navigationBar.topItem.prompt = webTitle;
  • 2
    This answer should be accepted. The other one is a hack, imo.
    – katzenhut
    Nov 17, 2013 at 16:29
  • 2
    Also if you have a uinaviagioncontroller, it would just be self.navigationItem.prompt = webTitle
    – Lucas
    Jun 1, 2014 at 23:47

Proper way is

self.navigationItem.prompt = @"Hello";

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