what does this construct mean in PHP ? It is storing a variable called "function" with his String value in an array ?

array('function' => 'theme_select_as_checkboxes')


4 Answers 4


its just an associative array and unless some context is given, doesnt mean anything special!


Seems like declaring an associative array. With sucha an array, you can retrieve the content of the array this way :

$myArray = array('function' => 'theme_select_as_checkboxes');
echo $myArray['function']; // Prints 'theme_select_as_checkboxes

No magic in here ! ;)


Appears to be a function/method name that can be called at a later time. Other than the data, it looks to be just a standard array.

You may be interested in this question as well: How to call PHP function from string stored in a Variable.


this is not a special structure. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Associative_array http://www.bellaonline.com/articles/art31316.asp

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