How are paged binary trees different from AVL trees and/or B-trees?

  • So far I haven't had an explanation of what a paged binary tree is. Apr 29, 2010 at 7:53
  • There’s a simple reason: I just overlooked that word completely. Apologies. Can’t really help you there but a quick search found this, which looks promising: isqa.unomaha.edu/haworth/isqa3300/fs010.htm Apr 29, 2010 at 8:54

2 Answers 2


In spite of the different structure of AVL and B-tree as stated by Konrad, usage of AVL and B-tree is also different, I think. B-tree generally used to implement indexing. Purpose of employing B-tree is to reduce disk I/O, while data of AVL-tree often resists totally in memory instead of partially in memory partially on disk like B-tree. Purpose of AVL-tree is to avoid the appearance of left/right branch tree in some extreme situation ensuring a perfect O(logn) time complexity when doing search operation.


I suggest reading the excellent Wikipedia articles on the topic.

Very briefly:

  • AVL trees are binary search trees (i.e. binary trees used to impose an ordering on its elements). The difference is that AVL trees implement a self-balancing strategy to distribute the nodes evenly as to reduce the maximum depth of the tree.
  • B trees are a generalization of binary search trees, i.e. they are no longer binary.

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