So I set a variable in my main ruby file that's handling all my post and get requests and then use ERB templates to actually show the pages. I pass the database handler itself into the erb templates, and then run a query in the template to get all (for this example) grants.

In my main ruby file:

grants_main_order = "id_num"
get '/grants' do
    erb :grants, :locals => {:db=>db, :order=>grants_main_order, :message=>params[:message]}

In the erb template:

db = locals[:db]
getGrants = db.exec("SELECT * FROM grants ORDER BY $1", [locals[:order]])

This produces some very random ordering, however if I replace the $1 with id_num, it works as it should.

Is this a typing issue? How can I fix this? Using string replacement with #{locals[:order]} also gives funky results.

3 Answers 3


Parameters are there to put in constant values into the query. It's possible and legal, but not meaningful to use them in an ORDER BY-clause.

Say you want to issue this query:

SELECT first_name, last_name
  FROM people
 ORDER BY first_name

If you put "first_name" in a string and pass it in as a parameter, you instead get:

SELECT first_name, last_name
  FROM people
 ORDER BY "first_name"

The difference is huge. That last ORDER BY-clause really tells te database not to care about the column values for each row, and just sort as if all rows were identical. Sorting order will be random.


I would recommend using datamapper (http://datamapper.org/) for sinatra. It's a very slick ORM and handles the paramaterized queries you are trying to build quite well.

  • Ah, that would be great, except I'm not allowed to install any additional gems. It's for a school project, and although I'm not really worried about it, it made me curious. I'll consider DataMapper in the future if I continue to work with Ruby... For now, any alternative?
    – nathas
    Apr 30, 2010 at 16:02
  • The only other thing I would suggest is to use sprintf to construct your query string and make sure that the escape/conversion is correct. Apr 30, 2010 at 18:17

have you inspected what locals[:order] is? Maybe something funky in there.

p locals[:order]

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