Is there a way to generate a string in FsCheck by selecting just one item from each of a list of strings and then concatenating the result?

I'm just completely stuck and can't seem to figure it out. I've looked at the docs and in the github repo for something similar. And I've done most of my reading on FsCheck from FSharpForFunAndProfit.

This is something like what I would be thinking of:

let rand = System.Random()
let randInt max = rand.Next(0, max)

let selectLetter (string: string) = 
    let whichLettersIndex = String.length string |> randInt
    string.Substring(whichLettersIndex, 1)

let generateOddlySpelledWord listOfStrings = 
    List.map selectLetter listOfStrings
    |> String.concat ""

let usingGenerateOddlySpelledWord =
    generateOddlySpelledWord ["zZ"; "oO0Ò"; "eEê"]

That should generate something like "Z0ê" or "zÒE".

  • Write the function you want that generates a string seq then apply Gen.elements. Mar 1, 2015 at 20:45

1 Answer 1


Does this do what you want?

open FsCheck

let createGenerators (l : string seq) =
    l |> Seq.map Gen.elements |> Seq.toList

type OddlySpelledWords =
    static member String() =
        ["zZ"; "oO0Ò"; "eEê"]
        |> createGenerators
        |> Gen.sequence
        |> Gen.map (List.map string >> String.concat "")
        |> Arb.fromGen

Ad-hoc test:

open FsCheck.Xunit

[<Property(Arbitrary = [| typeof<OddlySpelledWords> |])>]
let test (s : string) =
    printfn "%s" s

Output (truncated):



The createGenerators function has the type seq string -> Gen<char> list, and it creates a Gen from each string using Gen.elements, because a string is also a char seq; Gen.elements creates a Gen that will pick one of these char values from each string.

Then it uses Gen.sequence to convert the Gen<char> list into a Gen <char list>, and then maps from there.

BTW, you can also inline createGenerators:

type OddlySpelledWords =
    static member String() =
        ["zZ"; "oO0Ò"; "eEê"]
        |> List.map Gen.elements
        |> Gen.sequence
        |> Gen.map (List.map string >> String.concat "")
        |> Arb.fromGen
  • +1 Great answer, and also well crafted (as shown from its edits)! – How about using List.reduce (+) instead of String.concat ""? Mar 2, 2015 at 13:31
  • 2
    The problem with List.reduce is that it's fragile, so I tend to avoid it. Try this if you don't believe me: List.empty<string> |> List.reduce (+). Mar 2, 2015 at 14:15
  • +1 Indeed, out of curiosity, List.empty<string> |> List.reduce (+) throws an ArgumentException saying that the input list was empty. Mar 2, 2015 at 14:40

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