I've got some json from last.fm's api which I've serialised into a dictionary using simplejson. A quick example of the basic structure is below.

  "artist": "similar": {
    "artist": {
      "name": "Blah",
      "image": [{
        "#text": "URLHERE",
        "size": "small"
      }, {
        "#text": "URLHERE",
        "size": "medium"
      }, {
        "#text": "URLHERE",
        "size": "large"

Any ideas how I can access the image urls of various different sizes?


  • 1
    You should probably paste some of your python code or clarify a bit more. Looking up a string key in a dictionary that contains "#" works just fine: >>> x = {"#foo":"bar"} >>> x["#foo"] 'bar'
    – whaley
    May 30, 2010 at 14:12

3 Answers 3


Python does not have any problem with # in strings used as dict keys.

>>> import json
>>> j = '{"#foo": 6}'
>>> print json.loads(j)
{u'#foo': 6}
>>> print json.loads(j)[u'#foo']
>>> print json.loads(j)['#foo']

There are, however, problems with the JSON you post. For one, it isn't valid (perhaps you're missing a couple commas?). For two, you have a JSON object with the same key "image" three times, which cannot coexist and do anything useful.

  • Ah, your right about the JSON being wrong. I've fixed it now, any ideas how to access the url depending on the size I want?
    – Jack
    May 30, 2010 at 14:35

In Javascript, these two syntaxes are equivalent:


In Python they are not. The first gives you the foo attribute, the second gives you the foo key. (It's debatable whether this was a good idea or not.) In Python, you wouldn't be able to access #text as:


because the hash will start a comment, and you'll have a syntax error.

But you want


in any case.


You can get what you want from the image list with a list comprehension. Something like

desired = [x for x in images if minSize < x['size'] < maxSize]

Here, images would be the list of dicts from the inner level of you data structure.

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