I am starting to implement testing for an R package, and have been using the testthat package. Note that I am new to testing, so perhaps my approach is off.

I have a function that currently fails the 16th time it is executed, and before fixing this, I want to write a regression test that will catch it if it re-appears.

e.g., the following always throws the same error message:

 for i in (1:17) myfun()

myfun does not return anything, it only has a side-effect of opening a database connection. It is clear to me that I can write a test that expects an error and passes if it is returned:

 expect_error(for (i in 1:17) myfun()) 

But I don't quite get how to write a test to ensure that the error does not occur. As it is not obvious, perhaps my approach is wrong. I can figure out how to write more specific tests, but I would like to start with this one.

What type of test would I write to make sure that such an error does not appear?


4 Answers 4


Major edit due to changes in testthat

Since version 0.11 (via RStudio blog) there is direct support to testing lack of errors:

expect_error(myfun(), NA)

Same for catching warning and message:

expect_warning(myfun(), NA)
expect_message(myfun(), NA)

Side note: There is an info parameter in expect_xxx functions to pass additional info. So you can do:

for (i in 1:17) expect_error(myfun(), NA, info = paste("i =", i))
  • 1
    Please note well that this must be NA (i.e. logical NA), not NA_character_ Oct 23, 2018 at 9:45

Maybe wrap it with another expect_error.


  • It does not seem to be working anymore (version 1.0.2) Mar 23, 2017 at 8:54

For example:

context("test error")
test_that("test error 1", {
  expect_true({log(10); TRUE})

test_that("test error 2", {
  expect_true({log("a"); TRUE})

will test if there is an error.

> test_file("x.r")
test error : .1

    1. Error: test error 2 -------------------------
    Non-numeric argument to mathematical function
    1: expect_true({
    2: expect_that(object, is_true(), info, label)
    3: condition(object)
    4: expectation(identical(x, TRUE), "isn't true")
    5: identical(x, TRUE)

this means the first part passed the test while the second part failed.

  • thanks, but I am not familiar with the use of the curly braces and semi-colon inside the expectation (e.g. expect_true({...;...})) could you please explain? May 31, 2012 at 2:30
  • You can put any expression there. And the {...; ...; ...} is just an expression. So in you case, it should be written as expect_true({for (i in 1:17) {myfun()}; TRUE}).
    – kohske
    May 31, 2012 at 2:33
  • So this is basically trying to catch an error, since an error would prevent the second part of the expression (in this case, TRUE) from being evaluated? May 31, 2012 at 2:37
  • Yes, exactly. TRUE can be replaced by any value.
    – kohske
    May 31, 2012 at 2:38
  • I like the simplicity now that I understand May 31, 2012 at 4:22

Here is one solution using the expectation that tryCatch returns 0 when the error does not occur:

expect_equal(tryCatch(for(i in 1:17) myfun()), 0)

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