Problem: jqGrid with subgirds. I want to disable the expand/collapse functionality for some rows of the main grid.

4 Answers 4


I actually found a way:

                afterInsertRow: function(rowid, aData, rowelem) {

                    var rowData = grid.getRowData(rowid);
                        $('tr#'+rowid, grid)
                         .removeClass('ui-sgcollapsed sgcollapsed');

There was a bit of a problem. The code @Frank removed the icon, but the 'click' event was still triggered. Trying to unbind the 'click' event doesn't seem to work, probably because it is attached later on ( maybe on gridComplete). Anyway, I figured that the click event is attached using one of the 'ui-sgcollapsed sgcollapsed' classes, so if you remove them, the event won't be attached.

Hope it helps.


Add this to the gridConfig

afterInsertRow: function(rowid, aData, rowelem) {
    // Remove the subgrid plus button except for rows that have exceptions
    if (CONDITION) {
        $('#' + rowid).children("td.sgcollapsed").unbind().html("");
  • 1
    As Madalin mentions, this only removes the icon. Users can still click into it, meaning the functionality still exists.
    – Joseph
    May 29, 2014 at 14:10

If you are trying to disable or hide the subgrids expand and collapse button then use this on loadcomplete,

jQuery("#GridTeableID").jqGrid('hideCol', "subgrid");
  • This should be the answer. Thanks!
    – 6991httam
    Dec 28, 2021 at 8:07

Unfortunately there is no jqGrid API for this. You will have to wait until the grid is created and then, perhaps from the loadComplete event, you will need to manually loop over all rows and disable selected ones.

If you inspect the DOM elements that compose the grid you can probably figure out a way to remove / disable the expander for selected rows. Perhaps by using jQuery.remove.

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