[#1] I want to hide root node from jstree ?

I appended few sub-root node to "Root" node so I want to hide root node from jsTree ?

enter image description here

After applying following CSS To hide root node , Look n feel issue came in IE8 :


CSS issue in IE8 to hide root node

[#2] In following core plugin,

I provided hard coded value(Root_ID) for Root node to open Root node Initially, It works fine

"core" : { initially_open" : [ "Root_ID" ] }

Root nodes ID may vary RootID, RID, Root_id, R_ID..... as we are providing different xml response.

Psudo code something like:

"core" : { initially_open" : [ **1st_node_of_Tree_like_(ul > li:first)_OR_$(".jstree-last").first()** ] }

How I can achieve this 2 things?

Any help or guidance in this matter would be appreciated.

6 Answers 6


It's a little counterintuitive but best way to create a tree with no explicit root node is to not provide any root node in the data, and make all the children of the root node have parent "#". jstree will render a tree with multiple top level children of the root. Avoids any messiness with trying to hide the root.


I found very Simple answer :)

 function (event, data) {
       // To hide root nodes text
       // Need to find other way to hide rootNodeName Any1 knows ?

       // To hide - icon
       $(".jstree-last .jstree-icon").first().hide()
  • It doesn't work with "loaded.jstree" for me (jstree-rails-4-3.2.1), "ready.jstree" is working.
    – 244an
    Dec 24, 2015 at 10:49





maybe there is also an option in jsTree, but i am not familar with that lib.


assuming your jsTree is in some kind of div, try moving it until Root Element is hidden:


You may have to edit the css selector("ul:contains('Root')") to get the right ul. Also you might want to edit the amount you move top and left

  • Thanks for reply :) Only "Root" name is hidden. "-" icon is not hidden. I want to hide both i.e + Root. <ins class="jstree-icon">&nbsp;</ins> is used by jsTree to show - icon. How to hide - icon related to root node ? May 3, 2012 at 13:06
  • Thanks both things are working fine :) . [#1] Provided css is valid for all browser ? [#2]Is there any way to avoid hard-coded value("Root") mentioned in example, while hiding Root node[icon and rootNodeName]. It may happen Root name may changes time to time. In that case how to ? May 3, 2012 at 17:42
  • answer is useful :) I will accept this answer only when if we can able to remove hardcoded value as mentioned in above comment :) May 3, 2012 at 18:14
  • After applying provided css to hide root node. Look n feel issue came in only IE8. See updated question + 2nd Image added May 4, 2012 at 6:43
  • just make sure the surrounding div has overflow:hidden set in css
    – snies
    May 4, 2012 at 8:29

Another solution that worked (at least in Chrome and Firefox), for me, is:

#root>ins, #root>a{
    display: none;

    position: relative;
    /*top: -20px;*/
    left: -20px;
$("#yourTreeDiv").on("loaded.jstree", function(e, data) {
    $("#yourTreeDiv > ul > li > i.jstree-icon").remove();
    $("#yourTreeDiv > ul > li > a.jstree-anchor").remove();

In JS:

.on('after_open.jstree', function(e, data){
        var a = $('#file_tree').find('i');

in css:

.jstree {
  display: inline-block;
  padding-right: 100%;
  margin-top: -20px;
  margin-left: -20px;

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