The following code doesn't work in Python 3.x, but it used to work with old-style classes:

class Extender:
    def extension(self):
        print("Some work...")

class Base:

Base.__bases__ += (Extender,)


Question is simple: How can I add dynamically (at runtime) a super class to a class in Python 3.x?

But I'm ready the answer will be hard! )

  • 9
    Your bases are no longer belong to you? And the answer will hard?
    – Borealid
    Jul 7, 2010 at 8:37
  • I think this is not possible any more since all classes are new-style classes in Python 3, and the MRO would be ambiguous if Base had both object and Extender as base classes. Create a new class that inherits from Base and Extender instead. Extender might also be an ABC.
    – Philipp
    Jul 7, 2010 at 8:50

2 Answers 2


It appears that it is possible to dynamically change Base.__bases__ if Base.__base__ is not object. (By dynamically change, I mean in such a way that all pre-existing instances that inherit from Base also get dynamically changed. Otherwise see Mykola Kharechko's solution).

If Base.__base__ is some dummy class TopBase, then assignment to Base.__bases__ seems to work:

class Extender(object):
    def extension(self):
        print("Some work...")

class TopBase(object):

class Base(TopBase):

# (<class '__main__.TopBase'>,)

Base.__bases__ += (Extender,)
# (<class '__main__.TopBase'>, <class '__main__.Extender'>)
# Some work...
# Some work...

Base.__bases__ = (Extender, TopBase) 
# (<class '__main__.Extender'>, <class '__main__.TopBase'>)
# Some work...
# Some work...

This was tested to work in Python 2 (for new- and old-style classes) and for Python 3. I have no idea why it works while this does not:

class Extender(object):
    def extension(self):
        print("Some work...")

class Base(object):

Base.__bases__ = (Extender, object)
# TypeError: __bases__ assignment: 'Extender' deallocator differs from 'object'
  • The reason for the error of "cannot create a consistent.." is because you are trying to change Base.__base__ from the value (object,) to (object, Extender), which is the wrong way around according to mro-order. (Likewise you can't say class X(object, Extender) which errors with similarly). However Base.__bases__ += (Extender,) + Base.__bases__ will just throw 'E' deallocator differs from 'object', which is another error altogether, but still an error.
    – driax
    Aug 19, 2015 at 2:17
  • 4
    For future reference, there's a open CPython issue concerning the deallocator error: bugs.python.org/issue672115 (open since 2003 so don't hold your breath)
    – driax
    Aug 19, 2015 at 13:50

As for me it is impossible. But you can create new class dynamically:

class Extender(object):
    def extension(self):
        print("Some work...")

class Base(object):

Base = type('Base', (Base, Extender, object), {})
  • Thank you! Your solution works well! :) But I've updated it a little :$ It's enough to add a new base class only: Base = type('Base', (Extender,), {}) If you add 'Base' and 'object' classes again they will appear twice in the MRO and the interpreter will look for attributes slowly, i think. Jul 7, 2010 at 10:50
  • @DenisKolodin: The two Bases in the MRO are different classes: the new one and then the old one. Look at [id(cls) for cls in Base.__mro__] to see they are different.
    – unutbu
    Jul 7, 2010 at 12:49
  • I've tested it fully and have found one serious difference ((( Type will changed for new instances only, but with bases I can change attributes in exists instances that I need. This solution isn't similar! I still search ( Jul 8, 2010 at 7:26
  • @DenisKolodin: maybe try to use copy.deepcopy Jul 8, 2010 at 10:36

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