I am having troubles integrating XMPP on my iOS Project using Xcode 4.4 under Mac Mountain Lion OS X. I followed every step but I got stuck with this problem:

Command momc failed with exit code 1

See screenshot:

I have deleted all the .xcdatamodel files, clean and re-build the project, but the error is still there.


5 Answers 5


Ok. Solved it. You have to delete the *.xcdatamodel files on the Xcode project. (Right click > Delete).

  • 2
    Same. I deleted the .xcdatamodel file and reimported. May 8, 2014 at 10:06
  • I had this after moving the file to a different directory. No amount of deleting derived data/clean builds would fix it - I had to delete it from the project, clean everything and then re-add it.
    – Echelon
    Sep 5, 2014 at 10:40
  • 1
    Follow-up: it still came back a few builds later. I had to do this: stackoverflow.com/a/25686846/337392
    – Echelon
    Sep 5, 2014 at 13:21

Check if you have empty .xcdatamodel folders inside .xcdatamodeld. This may happen due to git behaviour for example.

  • For me too. Thanks!
    – Rahul
    Jul 16, 2018 at 17:41

Maybe the problem is iOS/iOS Simulator version! If you don't delete the *.xcdatamodel for git, you can try replace iOS/iOS Simulator SDK or update. My problem is resolved in this way.

enter image description here


Face the same problem

I just created new model with new name and copy all the entity from old model and paste in new model and deleted old model, it worked


This also can happen when the project is first compiled on a newer version of xCode (beta versions for example) and then trying to recompile with the original version.

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