I'm trying to combine a couple of javascript files using the SquishIt library. I'm following the steps that are provided here but I'm getting a compilation error stating " CS1026: ) expected" when I try to load the page. The application is an ASP.NET MVC2 app.

The code for the SquishIt functionality is:

<%@ Import Namespace="SquishIt.Framework" %>

and in the body of my html:

<%= Bundle.JavaScript()

Any Ideas?

1 Answer 1


You can't use <%= with a ; so you need to do:

<%= Bundle.JavaScript()... .Render("..") %>


<% Bundle.JavaScript() .. .Render(".."); %>

So it depends on what Render does, if it returns a string, you have to use the <%= %> syntax, but if it does the rendering, then you have to use a semi-colon.

  • Thanks, that was the problem. So used to ending every statement with a semi-colon that I didn't even notice that I'd done it.
    – Hamman359
    Jul 23, 2010 at 18:03
  • I know I do it all the time :-) Jul 23, 2010 at 19:01

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