I currently have two tables that look something like this:

Table 1

Id | AddressNumber | AddressStreet | AddressZip
1   | 50           | Fake          | 60101
2   | 300          | Fake          | 60101
3   | 50           | Fake2         | 60101
4   | 50           | Fake          | 60103

Table 2

AddressLowRange | AddressHighRange | AddressStreet | AddressZip
50             | 200              | Fake          | 60101
20             | 50               | Other Fake    | 70102

I need to find a list of Ids from table 1 where the address is not in Table 2. So for the sample data above i'd get back ids 2, 3 & 4.

  • 2
    Looks like none of the rows are in range, so they should all be returned? Aug 6, 2010 at 17:19

4 Answers 4


Try this.

FROM Table1
    (SELECT *
    FROM Table2
    WHERE Table1.AddressNumber BETWEEN Table2.AddressLowRange AND Table2.AddressHighRange
        AND Table1.AddressStreet = Table2.AddressStreet
        AND Table1.AddressZip = Table2.AddressZip

does the address is not in Table 2 means addressStreet

if so:

select id from table1 where addressStreet not in (select distinct addressstreet from table2)


select * from table1 where addressStreet not in (select distinct addressstreet from table2)

for all fields

  • It means the entire address. Street, Number, & Zip
    – zSynopsis
    Aug 6, 2010 at 17:21
select id from "Table 1"
where AddressStreet not in (select distinct AddressStreet from "Table 2")

I'm assuming you want to consider the number range, unlike most of the other answers. Something like this should work:

select Id
  from Table1
 where Id not in (select T1.Id
                    from Table1 T1
                    join Table2 T2 on (T1.AddressNumber between T2.AddressLowRange and T2.AddressHighRange)
                                   and T1.AddressStreet = T2.AddressStreet
                                   and T1.AddressZip = T2.AddressZip)

or slightly simplified...

select T1.Id
  from #table1 T1
  left join #table2 T2 on (T1.AddressNumber between T2.AddressLowRange and T2.AddressHighRange)
                      and T1.AddressStreet = T2.AddressStreet
                      and T1.AddressZip = T2.AddressZip
 where T2.AddressLowRange is null

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