Do any banks offer data feeds of personal accounts via any form of API? I'm essentially looking to check balances on accounts without logging into their website.

I remember reading about a universal banking protocol at some point... and maybe mint.com uses it to access accounts? Does mint.com have a special relationship with each bank, or can I leverage their method?

Edit: For my requirements, I'm only interested in accessing my own financial data.

8 Answers 8


Look up the Open Financial Exchange (OFX) format on the web. That (I believe) is a generic format for the banking industry.

  • 3
    It's not commonly used in the UK where most banks don't provide any API.
    – badbod99
    Aug 12, 2010 at 16:16
  • 3
    Well, then UK banks wont get to play with us !!
    – user279521
    Aug 12, 2010 at 16:20

API access

You will need to check with each institution if they provide an API for direct access. Some will provide access over a dial-up line, others have more modern IP based service. Each will likely require you to register and pay a fee.

Easier is to require the user to download their statement from the bank and import it into your application. Most online banking systems provide this functionality.


Either way, there are several formats supported by banks (taken from here).

  • OFX (Open Financial Exchange)
  • QIF (Quicken Interchange Format)
  • CSV (Comma-Separated Value)

You might see OFX referred to as Quickbooks, Microsoft Money 2005 or Sage Line 50. QIF is sometimes called Quicken 98 or 2000, or Microsoft Money 2003.

CSV formats will be proprietary per institution and require parsing logic developed for each instance.

Who uses what format

The UK banks that support OFX or QIF formats are:

  • Abbey (QIF, but not Abbey Business)
  • Alliance and Leicester (OFX and QIF)
  • Barclays (OFX)
  • Clydesdale (QIF)
  • Coutts & Co (OFX and QIF)
  • First Direct (QIF)
  • Halifax (OFX and QIF)
  • HSBC (OFX)
  • Lloyds (QIF)
  • NatWest(OFX)
  • Nationwide (OFX)
  • Royal Bank of Scotland (OFX and QIF)
  • Tesco (OFX and QIF)
  • Yorkshire (QIF)

It is possible to write a basic screen scraper to pull account transactions from your Mint.com account. Of course, this means you'll have to have an account set up there and let them to the dirty work for you.

CasperJS is a great tool that makes this fairly trivial, you will need to install both Casper and PhantomJS, the framework it is built on.

var casper = require('casper').create();

casper.start('https://wwws.mint.com/login.event', function() {
    this.fill('form#form-login', {
        username: 'mintusername',
        password: 'mintpassword'
    }, true);
}).then(function() {
    this.echo('Downloading transaction history...')
    this.download('https://wwws.mint.com/transactionDownload.event', '/path/to/save/transactions.csv');

casper.run(function() {

This script logs into your Mint account, and downloads your transaction history (as a CSV file) to wherever you specify. From there, you can do what you like with the data. Of course, this script could be expanded significantly to do more advanced things, or to filter the transactions it pulls down, but as a matter of best practice I would advise keeping the screen scraping as simple as possible and add the logic on your program's end.

You can have this script run periodically using launchd for Mac OS X or cron for most Linux flavors.

  • 1
    For a question specifically asking about personal finance this is probably the best solution. Actually, I'm going to do this myself. +1 for showing me CasperJS
    – kipple
    Jul 31, 2013 at 6:28
  • 1
    Use wwws.mint.com/transactionDownload.event?startDate=07/01/… to filter by date. I'm sure there are other parameters as well
    – kipple
    Jul 31, 2013 at 7:41
  • Do you know there any solutions like this that can run on mobile devices? (webview or phantomjs driven by something like casper or watir). I've googled and pretty sure there isn't but just wanted to ask. Feb 25, 2014 at 20:10
  • 2
    Yuk. Screen scraping. Screen scraping a product which already uses screen scraping!
    – geedubb
    Jan 13, 2015 at 16:38
  • 1
    @geedubb, agreed. It's not pretty, but there's a reason they use screen scraping, and I'd rather scrape one source than potentially dozens!
    – Cecchi
    Jan 14, 2015 at 21:13

Intuit are lauching new data services with access to over 18000 financial institutions via secure apis. I am not privy as to whether they will include UK banksand financial institutions, but here is the link:


  • 2
    link is 404'd. never trust anything that comes out of intuit's mouth. their financial mgmt softwares are inherently and inextricably linked to the desktop era. they've acquired mint.com and stalled/grounded the entire thing. they are as evil as microsoft, prism, or hitler.
    – grgry
    Jul 15, 2013 at 3:52
  • 2
    Note from the site: Monthly Minimum Recurring Fee: $1,000.00
    – iDev247
    Jan 7, 2014 at 3:29

You could try Swift (see message types), its not the kind of thing you can just set up though, you'd have to speak to each institution you wanted to work with.

  • 1
    Swift is a bit more serious, it requires membership to Swift (which is expensive), a serious amount of security red-tape and more!
    – badbod99
    Aug 12, 2010 at 16:14
  • I think its the only option if you want to get the account balance for an account which doesn't belong to you - after all thats not exactly the sort of data you want to open up to all and sundry Aug 12, 2010 at 16:22

There is a standard protocol known as OFX (ofx.net) that might meet your needs. Microsoft Money and Quicken both use it to update data.


For those not overtly concerned about paying a fiver for an OFX converter, designed to handle Nationwide FlexAccount, e-Savings and Creditcards try the Nationwide OFX Converter.

For other banks and creditcards try iCreateOFX Basic and for Investment files try iCreateOFX Investment.


In Europe, you could use www.agregadorfinanciero.com API.

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