Here's the situation: I have a menu that needs to be created dynamically from the database. The menu hierarchy is determined by a 'parent' column in the table (each entry has one parent or NULL if it is only a parent)

The problem is that I can't think of how I would dynamically do this, considering I need proper <ul><li><ul><li> structure for my drop-down menu. This requires that I have my 'foreach' of child pages, within the foreach of parent pages? If that makes sense, is there a solution?

FYI: The array I am working with returns:

array(31) { 
[0]=>  array(5)
     { ["id"]=>  string(2) "31" ["title"]=>  string(4) "Home" ["linkable"]=>  string(1) "1" ["parent"]=>  NULL ["override"]=>  string(1) " " } 
[1]=>  array(5)
     { ["id"]=>  string(2) "30" ["title"]=>  string(11) "Shop Online" ["linkable"]=>  string(1) "1" ["parent"]=> string(2) "31" ["override"]=>  string(4) "shop" } 

and on and on.

2 Answers 2


You need to write a recursive function to do this and have it call itself. I haven't tested this out, but I think it should get you started. I wouldn't endorse this function's efficiency since it runs through every item in the array and does a comparison even though you're going to only need an item or two from each run (likely).


$arr = array(...);
function output_lis($parentID = NULL){
    global $arr;
    $stack = array(); //create a stack for our <li>'s 
    foreach($arr as $a){ 
        $str = '';
            //if the item's parent matches the parentID we're outputting...

                    //Pass this item's ID to the function as a parent, 
                    //and it will output the children
            $subStr = output_lis($a['id']);

            $stack[] = $str;
    //If we have <li>'s return a string 
        return join("\n",$stack);

    //If no <li>'s in the stack, return false 
    return false;

Then output this on your page. Something like:

    <?php echo output_lis(); ?>

Here is my sample array:

$arr = array(
        array('title'=>'about us','parent'=>NULL,'id'=>4), 
  • After plugging it all in, I'm just getting the parent pages listed with no child pages. Looking at it more now though. Aug 16, 2010 at 20:14
  • I forgot to wrap a <ul> around the output_lis() call within the function. See edited solution...
    – Jage
    Aug 16, 2010 at 20:27
  • Still nothing but parents being output. The source shows only the <ul> wrapping the menu and the <li>'s created within, but only the <li>s for the elements with a parent of NULL. Aug 16, 2010 at 20:31
  • On the plus side, I believe you. On the other side of that, I figured out how to do it using a couple functions I already had kicking around. Did it almost the same way though, using a recursive function. Aug 16, 2010 at 20:57

No recursion necessary.

$parents = array();
$noparents = array();
foreach ($results as $ar) {
  if ( $ar['parent'] != NULL ) {
    $parents[$ar['parent']] = array();
    array_push($parents[$ar['parent']], $ar['title']);
  } else {
    array_push($noparents, $ar['title']);

Now you have all of your links that belong to a parent listed in an array named after the parent. Your other links are in a separate array. You can join them if you like.

Extend it as is required for your application.

  • Would this be flexible enough to handle a three-tier menu? I have Page 1 -> Page 2 -> Page 3 in some situations. Aug 16, 2010 at 20:15
  • One flaw here: There is no array defined for $parents[$ar['parent']] the first time, so array_push won't work. Aug 16, 2010 at 20:24
  • I'm certain you could make it flexible enough. It's just a simple example. Aug 16, 2010 at 20:51

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