I have the following two questions.

  1. I'm aware of the concept of a linked list. What is a linked list of intervals?

  2. I need to store a very huge (more than 100 bits) number in C/C++ and perform bitwise operations on it. Without using any big number library, what would be the best data structure to handle this scenario ?

Thank You

  • 1
    "linked list of intervals" Where did you come across this?
    – Lazer
    Aug 22, 2010 at 18:19

4 Answers 4

  1. The name doesn't ring any bells. If intervals are objects, then it's just a linked list that stores those objects. Perhaps you mean a skip list?
  2. If you're using C++, use a bitset. Otherwise, I would just use a classic table of four 32 bit ints.
  • Thanks for the reply. Can a bitset store 100,000 bits ?
    – James
    Aug 22, 2010 at 8:34
  • @James - it would depend on hardware too of course, but I would say yes, definitely. That's well under a megabyte of memory.
    – IVlad
    Aug 22, 2010 at 9:04
  • as much as I hate to suggest it, if the number of bits isn't known in advance, std::vector<bool> might actually be appropriate to use.
    – jalf
    Aug 22, 2010 at 11:53
  • @jalf: noway, vector<bool> having an actual use? Heresy.
    – Puppy
    Aug 26, 2010 at 14:26
  • @DeadMG: yeah, I know. If it was me, I'd probably prefer to use boost::dynamic_bitset instead, but I guess since they're not deprecating vector<bool> in C++0x, I can't really object if people choose to use it as a dynamic bitset
    – jalf
    Aug 26, 2010 at 19:02

If you want to write your own class to handle large bit numbers (I don't know why you would), you could wrap a vector. You'd have to catch your own overflow though. This is a huge pain, and I only bring it up because this was a final project for us for a C++ class I took, lol. I don't recommended this =P


I made a comment on this is another question, which was asked by someone else. This seems to be referring to my comment, so I'll explain what I meant. What I was suggesting was:

struct interval_node {
      int index;
      struct interval_node* next;

where index stores all the points where the bit "flips". This is a huge memory advantage if you have something like 11111111111100000000000, because it only needs to store the fact that the first bit is 1 (outside of the struct somewhere), as well as that the bit flips in the 12th index (being 0-based), rather than storing each individual bit itself. This can scale to 100,000 bits without eating up as much memory as long as the sequence doesn't have a ton of things like


Because the it flips at every bit.


For the second part of the question, try std::bitset


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