I've inherited some javascript, and it's not all working as expected at the moment. This is one sticking point:

  .find("input[@checked], input[@type='text'], options[@selected], textarea")
  .each(function() { ... });

I'm not familiar with the [@] syntax (though it seems clear what it wants to have happen), and I'm not finding documentation. Can anyone tell me if this is valid jquery?

  • I'm just curious, are you serializing a form for AJAX submission here? That's what it looks like, and there are built-in methods if that's the case :) Aug 27, 2010 at 14:11

4 Answers 4


The @ is an xpath selector (has attribute), which has been deprecated since jQuery 1.1.4. Just leave it out, or replace those with pseudo-selectors:

.find("input:checked, input:text, option:selected, textarea")
.each(function() { ... });

See http://api.jquery.com/category/selectors/


The @ in selector isn't valid now, you need to leave that out:


So you should remove all instances of @ from your code.

jQuery('input:checked') // gets all checked input fields
jQuery("input[type='text']")   // gets all text input fields
jQuery("select option:selected").text()  // gets text of selected option in dropdown

"[...]" basically means "which has".

"@name" means attribute "name"

So "Input[@type='text']" means an text input element (<input type='text'>)

'@' is the correct syntax for XPath, however, it's not used by CSS, and jQuery has now switched to the CSS format, so it should be removed.


Here's how to do it :

  • For checked selector : input:checked.
  • For input text : input[type=text]
  • For selected : option:selected

'@' will only work with some old jquery libraries because it's now deprecated.

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